
dysmobility syndrome

骨粗鬆症、サルコペニア、肥満(サルコペニア肥満)を別々に評価せず、で障害、転倒、骨折のリスクが高い高齢者をdysmobility syndromeと呼ぼうという論文です。内容的には日本のロコモに似ている気もします。リハ栄養でも重要です。


Binkley N, Krueger D, Buehring B: What's in a name revisited: should osteoporosis and sarcopenia be considered components of "dysmobility syndrome?" Osteoporos Int. 2013 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print]

Sarcopenia and osteoporosis are age-related declines in the quantity and quality of muscle and bone respectively, with shared pathogeneses and adverse health consequences. Both absolute and relative fat excess, i.e., obesity and sarcopenic obesity, contribute to disability, falls, and fractures. Rather than focusing on a single component, i.e., osteoporosis, sarcopenia, or obesity, we realized that an opportunity exists to combine clinical factors, thereby potentially allowing improved identification of older adults at risk for disability, falls, and fractures. Such a combination could be termed dysmobility syndrome, analogous to the approach taken with metabolic syndrome. An arbitrary score-based approach to dysmobility syndrome diagnosis is proposed and explored in a small cohort of older adults. Further evaluation of such an approach in large population-based and prospective studies seems warranted.

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