慢性腎臓病(CKD)のProtein-Energy Wasting(PEW)に関する国際腎臓栄養代謝学会(ISRNM)コンセンサス論文を紹介します。
Juan Jesús Carrero, et al. Etiology of the Protein-Energy Wasting Syndrome in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Consensus Statement From the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM). Journal of Renal Nutrition, Volume 23, Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 77–90
今回のJSPEN金沢でも腎不全患者の栄養管理:Protein-Energy Wastingへの対応を考えるというパネルがありました。この論文は、腎不全の栄養管理に関わるすべての方に読んでほしい重要論文ですね。英語ですが。
食欲不振や食事制限による不十分な食事摂取(true undernutrition、飢餓)もPEWの原因の1つですが、他の要素も関わっています。尿毒症によって引き起こされるエネルギー消費量増加、慢性炎症、アシドーシス、筋肉や脂肪の代謝(分解)を亢進させる内分泌障害などです。
Protein-energy wasting (PEW), a term proposed by the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM), refers to the multiple nutritional and catabolic alterations that occur in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and associate with morbidity and mortality. To increase awareness, identify research needs, and provide the basis for future work to understand therapies and consequences of PEW, ISRNM provides this consensus statement of current knowledge on the etiology of PEW syndrome in CKD. Although insufficient food intake (true undernutrition) due to poor appetite and dietary restrictions contribute, other highly prevalent factors are required for the full syndrome to develop. These include uremia-induced alterations such as increased energy expenditure, persistent inflammation, acidosis, and multiple endocrine disorders that render a state of hypermetabolism leading to excess catabolism of muscle and fat. In addition, comorbid conditions associated with CKD, poor physical activity, frailty, and the dialysis procedure per se further contribute to PEW.
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