


Busquets S, Serpe R, Toledo M, Betancourt A, Marmonti E, Orpí M, Pin F, Capdevila E, Madeddu C, López-Soriano FJ, Mantovani G, Macciò A, Argilés JM. l-Carnitine: An adequate supplement for a multi-targeted anti-wasting therapy in cancer. Clin Nutr. 2012 May 18. [Epub ahead of print]



BACKGROUND & AIMS: Tumour growth is associated with weight loss resulting from both adipose and muscle wasting.

METHODS: Administration of l-carnitine (1 g/kg body weight) to rats bearing the AH-130 Yoshida ascites hepatoma, a highly cachectic rat tumour.

RESULTS: The treatment results in a significant improvement of food intake and in muscle weight (gastrocnemius, EDL and soleus). These beneficial effects are directly related to improved physical performance (total physical activity, mean movement velocity and total travelled distance). Administration of l-carnitine decreases proteasome activity and the expression of genes related with this activity, such as ubiquitin, C8 proteasome subunit and MuRF-1. Interestingly, l-carnitine treatment also decreases caspase-3 mRNA content therefore suggesting a modulation of apoptosis. Moreover, addition of 50 μM of l-carnitine to isolated EDL muscles results in a significant decrease in the proteolytic rate suggesting a direct effect.

CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that l-carnitine supplementation may be a good approach for a multi-targeted therapy for the treatment of cancer-related cachexia.

2 件のコメント:

  1. 佐久間邦弘6/07/2012

    若林先生 悪液質にL-カルニチンが効くのですね。Abstを読んでて思ったのですが、この投与によりプロテアソーム活性やカスパーゼ活性が減少するようですね。。。ちょっと凄いかも。今までこのL-カルニチンってあまり知らなかったのですが、実際の臨床にも使われたりすることあるのでしょうか?

  2. 佐久間先生、どうもありがとうございます。本当に悪液質にL-カルニチンが効くかどうかはわかりませんが、有効な可能性はありそうです。

    エルカルチン錠 添付文書
