


Toshihiro Ansai and Yutaka Takata: Association Between Tooth Loss and Cancer Mortality in Elderly Individuals





Sarcopenia is defined as muscle power decline or decreased muscular volume with aging,
leading to decreased levels of basal metabolism and energy consumption by the whole
body, which results in lower energy intake and a decrease in synthesis of proteins in the
body. To the best of our knowledge, no study concerning the association between chewing
ability (tooth loss) and sarcopenia has been presented, though it is considered that elderly
individuals with sarcopenia may also develop the condition in the oral cavity region, which
has been supported by several reports. For example, subjects with stable occlusion, eg.,
Eichner index (EI; Eichner, 1955) Class A were shown unlikely to stumble (Yoshida, 2005).
EI, long used as an indicator of occlusal condition, are based on existing natural tooth
contacts between the maxilla and mandible in the bilateral premolar and molar regions.
Class A represents contact in all 4 support zones. Some reports have been presented
regarding associations between stable occlusion and physical fitness ability (Yamaga et al.,
2002), chewing ability and physical fitness (Takata et al., 2004), and walking speed and oral
function (Okada et al., 2011). In a recent longitudinal study of Japanese elderly subjects,
partial or complete loss of occlusion was associated with a decline in leg extensor power or
decrease in one-leg standing time with eyes open (Okuyama et al., 2011). Sarcopenia may
have a negative influence on both chewing ability and oral function. A Japanese survey of
elderly individuals (60 to 87 years old) reported that significant factors related to occlusal
power were handgrip strength in males, walking speed for 5 m in both genders, and body
muscle volume in females (Kono, 2009). These findings suggest the possibility that oral
sarcopenia induces a negative spiral of systemic health conditions including decreased levels
of appetite and activities of daily living, as well as deterioration of psychosomatic health
conditions, such as occurrence of depression, though the causal relationship remains unclear.

4 件のコメント:

  1. 佐久間邦弘3/30/2012

    若林先生 今から4ヶ月ほど前フランスの国立研究機構からグラント(10数億)の審査を頼まれました。そのグループは身体の様々な部位はお互いが関連し合って加齢期の変化につながってるみたいな論調でした。なるほどって思ったのは口腔ケアと骨格筋との結びつきで、歯が悪くなることによる食べ物の志向性の変化、量的な変化(食事量が減る)、咀嚼回数の変化(歯が痛いとあまり噛まなくなる)による影響が、骨格筋量に変化を及ぼすといったものでした。今回の歯の喪失とガンの発生率とはケースが違いますが、面白いこと考える方いらっしゃいますね。

  2. 佐久間先生、いつもどうもありがとうございます。口腔と栄養・骨格筋・サルコペニアに関してはトピックになりつつあります。

    1. 佐久間邦弘4/03/2012

      若林先生 すごく興味深い意見ですね。要介護度が高い方は骨格筋量が少なく、口腔機能も悪いかあ。。。普段から運動しているヒトは筋肉が鍛えられてサルコペニアが起こりにくい。この考えを当てはめると、しっかり固いものを噛んで咬筋を普段から鍛えてると、口腔機能がサルコペニアになりにくいという可能性あり得ますよね。研究のアイディアを膨らませる上で、とても貴重な情報ありがとうございました。

  3. 佐久間先生、コメントどうもありがとうございます。
