

がん患者では骨格筋量が重度嚥下障害と関連するという論文が、J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscleに掲載されました。以下のHPで全文読めます。




The purpose of this study was to assess the association between skeletal muscle mass, activities of daily living (ADLs) and severe dysphagia in cancer patients.


A nested case-control study was performed in 111 consecutive cancer patients with dysphagia who were prescribed speech therapy. Skeletal muscle mass comprising the cross-sectional area of the left and right psoas muscles was assessed via abdominal computed tomography at the third lumbar vertebral level. ADLs were evaluated by the Barthel Index. The severity of dysphagia was assessed by the Food Intake Level Scale and was characterized by non-oral feeding or oral food intake at discharge. Univariate and logistic regression analyses were applied to examine the associations between dysphagia, skeletal muscle index (SMI) and ADLs.


There were 86 men and 25 women (mean age, 70 years). The mean SMI was 5.68 ± 1.74 cm2/m2 in men and 4.43 ± 1.21 cm2/m2 in women. The median Barthel Index score was 20. Thirty-three patients were on non-oral feeding at discharge. The mean SMI did not differ significantly between non-oral feeding and oral food intake groups in t-test. The median Barthel Index score was lower in the non-oral feeding group in Mann–Whitney U test. Logistic regression analysis of the severity of dysphagia adjusted for age, sex, SMI, Barthel Index score, serum albumin, cancer type and stage, and vocal cord paralysis showed that SMI was associated independently with oral food intake at discharge. Barthel Index score showed a tendency to be associated with oral food intake.


Skeletal muscle mass is associated with severe dysphagia in cancer patients. ADLs show a tendency to be associated with severe dysphagia in cancer patients.





Pre-operative psoas muscle mass and post-operative gait speed following total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis

変形性股関節症の人工股関節置換術患者では、術前の非術側の大腰筋筋肉量が退院時の歩行速度と関連するという論文が、Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle(JCSM)に掲載されました。以下のHPで全文読めます。


サルコペニア関連論文がJCSMに載るのはとても嬉しいですね。歴史の新しい雑誌であるためか、日本からの論文掲載はまだ少ないようです。しかし、JCSMのImpact Factorは2014年も7.3と高いですし、多くの方にリハ栄養やサルコペニア関連の論文をJCSMに投稿してほしいですね。