


Yulia Elkina, et al: The role of myostatin in muscle wasting: an overview. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle DOI 10.1007/s13539-011-0035-5



ミオスタチンとは主に骨格筋から分泌される細胞外サイトカインで、筋肉量の負の調整に重要な役割を果たしています。growth/differentiation factor-8 (GDF-8)とも呼ばれ、TGF-βの一種です。activin type IIB receptorと結合することで、筋肉合成を抑制する方向に働きます。


このような基礎系の論文を読むのは個人的には苦手ですが、Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle に掲載される論文くらいは一通り読んでおこうと思っています。

  Myostatin is an extracellular cytokine mostly expressed in skeletal muscles and known to play a crucial role in the negative regulation of muscle mass. Upon the binding to activin type IIB receptor, myostatin can initiate several different signalling cascades resulting in the upregulation of the atrogenes and downregulation of the important for myogenesis genes. Muscle size is regulated via a complex interplay of myostatin signalling with the insulin-like growth factor 1/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway responsible for increase in protein synthesis in muscle. Therefore, the regulation of muscle weight is a process in which myostatin plays a central role but the mechanism of its action and signalling cascades are not fully understood. Myostatin upregulation was observed in the pathogenesis of muscle wasting during cachexia associated with different diseases (i.e. cancer, heart failure, HIV). Characterisation of myostatin signalling is therefore a perspective direction in the treatment development for cachexia. The current review covers the present knowledge about myostatin signalling pathways leading to muscle wasting and the state of therapy approaches via the regulation of myostatin and/or its downstream targets in cachexia.

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