医学界新聞の最新号(第2963号 2012年01月30日)に、今日から使える医療統計学講座Lesson9:感度・特異度が掲載されています。
S. Kimyagarov, R. Klid, Y. Fleissig, B. Kopel, M. Arad and A. Adunsky: Skeletal muscle mass abnormalities are associated with survival rates of institutionalized elderly nursing home residents. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging DOI: 10.1007/s12603-012-0005-4
抄録しか読んでいないので分類方法は不明ですが、骨格筋異常をsarcopenia、 muscle wasting/atrophy、cachexiaの3種類に分類しています。
結果ですが、骨格筋異常は入所者109人中73人(67%)に認めました。男性97.8%、女性43.8%と男女差がありました。骨格筋異常の内訳はmuscle wasting/atrophyが51.4%、サルコペニアが40.3%、悪液質が9.7%でした。
1年後の生存率は骨格筋異常がない群で73%、サルコペニア群で60%、muscle wastingと悪液質群で53%と、骨格筋異常の有無で有意差を認めました。骨格筋異常の種類の違いによる生存率の有意差は認めませんでした。
Knowledge about the changes in skeletal muscle mass in nursing home residents is very limited. We hypothesized that such patients have different types of skeletal muscle mass abnormalities that may affect mortality rates. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and extent of skeletal muscle mass decline, its different clinical phenotypes (sarcopenia, wasting/atrophy and cachexia) and the mortality rates associated with these abnormalities.
A retrospective chart-review study comprising 109 institutionalized nursing home residents. Body mass index, body fat mass, fat free mass, skeletal muscle mass and survival rates were assessed.
Skeletal muscle mass abnormalities were found among 73 out of 109 (67.0%) patients and were more prevalent in males compared with females (97.8% and 43.8%, respectively, p<0.001). Most of these patients had muscle wasting/atrophy (51.4%) or sarcopenia (40.3%), and 9.7% suffered from cachexia. One third of the patients with abnormal skeletal muscle mass showed a moderate decline of skeletal muscle mass (34.7%) while the remainder (65.3%) had very low levels of skeletal muscle mass. Each group was characterized by typical medical conditions associated with skeletal muscle mass abnormality. A Kaplan-Meier survival plot of mortality showed only lower one-year survival rates in the group with sarcopenia (60%) and muscle atrophy or cachexia (53%), compared with elderly participants with a normal skeletal muscle mass (73%), (p<0.0001). There were no significant differences in 1-year mortality rates between patients with abnormal skeletal muscle mass (whether sarcopenia, cachexia or wasting).
About two thirds of nursing home patients show skeletal muscle mass abnormalities, most within the range of very low skeletal muscle mass rather than moderately low skeletal muscle mass, that are associated with shorter survival rates, compared with normal skeletal muscle mass patients.
S. Kimyagarov, R. Klid, Y. Fleissig, B. Kopel, M. Arad and A. Adunsky: Skeletal muscle mass abnormalities are associated with survival rates of institutionalized elderly nursing home residents. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging DOI: 10.1007/s12603-012-0005-4
抄録しか読んでいないので分類方法は不明ですが、骨格筋異常をsarcopenia、 muscle wasting/atrophy、cachexiaの3種類に分類しています。
結果ですが、骨格筋異常は入所者109人中73人(67%)に認めました。男性97.8%、女性43.8%と男女差がありました。骨格筋異常の内訳はmuscle wasting/atrophyが51.4%、サルコペニアが40.3%、悪液質が9.7%でした。
1年後の生存率は骨格筋異常がない群で73%、サルコペニア群で60%、muscle wastingと悪液質群で53%と、骨格筋異常の有無で有意差を認めました。骨格筋異常の種類の違いによる生存率の有意差は認めませんでした。
Knowledge about the changes in skeletal muscle mass in nursing home residents is very limited. We hypothesized that such patients have different types of skeletal muscle mass abnormalities that may affect mortality rates. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and extent of skeletal muscle mass decline, its different clinical phenotypes (sarcopenia, wasting/atrophy and cachexia) and the mortality rates associated with these abnormalities.
A retrospective chart-review study comprising 109 institutionalized nursing home residents. Body mass index, body fat mass, fat free mass, skeletal muscle mass and survival rates were assessed.
Skeletal muscle mass abnormalities were found among 73 out of 109 (67.0%) patients and were more prevalent in males compared with females (97.8% and 43.8%, respectively, p<0.001). Most of these patients had muscle wasting/atrophy (51.4%) or sarcopenia (40.3%), and 9.7% suffered from cachexia. One third of the patients with abnormal skeletal muscle mass showed a moderate decline of skeletal muscle mass (34.7%) while the remainder (65.3%) had very low levels of skeletal muscle mass. Each group was characterized by typical medical conditions associated with skeletal muscle mass abnormality. A Kaplan-Meier survival plot of mortality showed only lower one-year survival rates in the group with sarcopenia (60%) and muscle atrophy or cachexia (53%), compared with elderly participants with a normal skeletal muscle mass (73%), (p<0.0001). There were no significant differences in 1-year mortality rates between patients with abnormal skeletal muscle mass (whether sarcopenia, cachexia or wasting).
About two thirds of nursing home patients show skeletal muscle mass abnormalities, most within the range of very low skeletal muscle mass rather than moderately low skeletal muscle mass, that are associated with shorter survival rates, compared with normal skeletal muscle mass patients.
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Treatment, Edited by: Andrew B. Lemmey
Resistance Training for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effects on Disability, Rheumatoid Cachexia, and Osteoporosis; and Recommendations for Prescription
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Treatment, Edited by: Andrew B. Lemmey
Resistance Training for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Effects on Disability, Rheumatoid Cachexia, and Osteoporosis; and Recommendations for Prescription
V.E. Arango-Loperaa, P. Arroyob, L.M. Gutiérrez-Robledoc, M.U. Pérez-Zepedab: Prevalence of sarcopenia in Mexico City. European Geriatric Medicine, Available online 20 January 2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurger.2011.12.001
Y. Rolland, V. Lauwers-Cances, M. Cournot, F. Nourhashemi, W. Reynish, D. Riviere et al:
Sarcopenia, calf circumference, and physical function of elderly women: a cross-sectional study. J Am Geriatr Soc, 51 (8) (2003), pp. 1120–1124
結果ですが、116人 (33.6%)がサルコペニアでした。80歳以上では50.4%にサルコペニアを認めました。サルコペニア肥満は5人(1.4%)と少なく、重症サルコペニア(筋肉量低下、筋力低下、身体機能低下の3項目とも該当する場合)は94人(27.2%)でした。
Sarcopenia is an increasingly recognized problem in the elderly. Recently an algorithm to detect this condition was developed. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence of sarcopenia in a group of elderly in Mexico City, using the European Wording Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) algorithm. A cross-sectional assessment of community dwelling elderly was performed in a sample of 345 subjects, who were 70 years or older, during the year of 2008. The data was gathered by a group of standardized interviewers. In order to determine sarcopenia, muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance were obtained from database. Muscle mass was measured by means of calf circumference, muscle strength by grip strength and physical performance by gait speed. Cut-points suggested in the EWGSOP algorithm of sarcopenia detection (ASD) were used. A total number of 116 (33.6%) subjects were detected as sarcopenic, 75 (48.5%) women and 41 (27.4%) men; with a greater prevalence in 80-year or older subjects (50.4%). Sarcopenic obesity was found in five subjects (1.4%), moderate sarcopenia in 21 subjects (6%) and severe sarcopenia in 94 subjects (27.2%). The ASD of the EWGSOP is a useful tool for detecting sarcopenia prevalence; the frequency in our population was similar to other reports using other methodology.
V.E. Arango-Loperaa, P. Arroyob, L.M. Gutiérrez-Robledoc, M.U. Pérez-Zepedab: Prevalence of sarcopenia in Mexico City. European Geriatric Medicine, Available online 20 January 2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurger.2011.12.001
Y. Rolland, V. Lauwers-Cances, M. Cournot, F. Nourhashemi, W. Reynish, D. Riviere et al:
Sarcopenia, calf circumference, and physical function of elderly women: a cross-sectional study. J Am Geriatr Soc, 51 (8) (2003), pp. 1120–1124
結果ですが、116人 (33.6%)がサルコペニアでした。80歳以上では50.4%にサルコペニアを認めました。サルコペニア肥満は5人(1.4%)と少なく、重症サルコペニア(筋肉量低下、筋力低下、身体機能低下の3項目とも該当する場合)は94人(27.2%)でした。
Sarcopenia is an increasingly recognized problem in the elderly. Recently an algorithm to detect this condition was developed. The aim of our study was to determine the prevalence of sarcopenia in a group of elderly in Mexico City, using the European Wording Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) algorithm. A cross-sectional assessment of community dwelling elderly was performed in a sample of 345 subjects, who were 70 years or older, during the year of 2008. The data was gathered by a group of standardized interviewers. In order to determine sarcopenia, muscle mass, muscle strength and physical performance were obtained from database. Muscle mass was measured by means of calf circumference, muscle strength by grip strength and physical performance by gait speed. Cut-points suggested in the EWGSOP algorithm of sarcopenia detection (ASD) were used. A total number of 116 (33.6%) subjects were detected as sarcopenic, 75 (48.5%) women and 41 (27.4%) men; with a greater prevalence in 80-year or older subjects (50.4%). Sarcopenic obesity was found in five subjects (1.4%), moderate sarcopenia in 21 subjects (6%) and severe sarcopenia in 94 subjects (27.2%). The ASD of the EWGSOP is a useful tool for detecting sarcopenia prevalence; the frequency in our population was similar to other reports using other methodology.
Hideaki Takahata, Keisuke Tsutsumi, Hiroshi Baba, Izumi Nagata, and Masahiro Yonekura: Early intervention to promote oral feeding in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Neurol. 2011; 11: 6. doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-11-6
Stroke is a major cause of dysphagia, but little is known about when and how dysphagic patients should be fed and treated after an acute stroke. The purpose of this study is to establish the feasibility, risks and clinical outcomes of early intensive oral care and a new speech and language therapist/nurse led structured policy for oral feeding in patients with an acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).
A total of 219 patients with spontaneous ICH who were admitted to our institution from 2004 to 2007 were retrospectively analyzed. An early intervention program for oral feeding, which consisted of intensive oral care and early behavioral interventions, was introduced from April 2005 and fully operational by January 2006. Outcomes were compared between an early intervention group of 129 patients recruited after January 2006 and a historical control group of 90 patients recruited between January 2004 and March 2005. A logistic regression technique was used to adjust for baseline differences between the groups. To analyze time to attain oral feeding, the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazard model were used.
The proportion of patients who could tolerate oral feeding was significantly higher in the early intervention group compared with the control group (112/129 (86.8%) vs. 61/90 (67.8%); odds ratio 3.13, 95% CI, 1.59-6.15; P < 0.001). After adjusting for baseline imbalances, the odds ratio was 4.42 (95% CI, 1.81-10.8; P = 0.001). The incidence of chest infection was lower in the early intervention group compared with the control group (27/129 (20.9%) vs. 32/90 (35.6%); odds ratio 0.48, 95% CI, 0.26-0.88; P = 0.016). A log-rank test found a significant difference in nutritional supplementation-free survival between the two groups (hazard ratio 1.94, 95% CI, 1.46-2.71; P < 0.001).
Our data suggest that the techniques can be used safely and possibly with enough benefit to justify a randomized controlled trial. Further investigation is needed to solve the eating problems that are associated with patients recovering from a severe stroke.
Hideaki Takahata, Keisuke Tsutsumi, Hiroshi Baba, Izumi Nagata, and Masahiro Yonekura: Early intervention to promote oral feeding in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Neurol. 2011; 11: 6. doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-11-6
Stroke is a major cause of dysphagia, but little is known about when and how dysphagic patients should be fed and treated after an acute stroke. The purpose of this study is to establish the feasibility, risks and clinical outcomes of early intensive oral care and a new speech and language therapist/nurse led structured policy for oral feeding in patients with an acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).
A total of 219 patients with spontaneous ICH who were admitted to our institution from 2004 to 2007 were retrospectively analyzed. An early intervention program for oral feeding, which consisted of intensive oral care and early behavioral interventions, was introduced from April 2005 and fully operational by January 2006. Outcomes were compared between an early intervention group of 129 patients recruited after January 2006 and a historical control group of 90 patients recruited between January 2004 and March 2005. A logistic regression technique was used to adjust for baseline differences between the groups. To analyze time to attain oral feeding, the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazard model were used.
The proportion of patients who could tolerate oral feeding was significantly higher in the early intervention group compared with the control group (112/129 (86.8%) vs. 61/90 (67.8%); odds ratio 3.13, 95% CI, 1.59-6.15; P < 0.001). After adjusting for baseline imbalances, the odds ratio was 4.42 (95% CI, 1.81-10.8; P = 0.001). The incidence of chest infection was lower in the early intervention group compared with the control group (27/129 (20.9%) vs. 32/90 (35.6%); odds ratio 0.48, 95% CI, 0.26-0.88; P = 0.016). A log-rank test found a significant difference in nutritional supplementation-free survival between the two groups (hazard ratio 1.94, 95% CI, 1.46-2.71; P < 0.001).
Our data suggest that the techniques can be used safely and possibly with enough benefit to justify a randomized controlled trial. Further investigation is needed to solve the eating problems that are associated with patients recovering from a severe stroke.
Payne C, Wiffen PJ, Martin S. Interventions for fatigue and weight loss in adults with advanced progressive illness. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jan 18;1:CD008427.
BACKGROUND: Fatigue and unintentional weight loss are two of the commonest symptoms experienced by people with advanced progressive illness. Appropriate interventions may bring considerable improvements in function and quality of life to seriously ill people and their families, reducing physical, psychological and spiritual distress.
OBJECTIVES: To conduct an overview of the evidence available on the efficacy of interventions used in the management of fatigue and/or unintentional weight loss in adults with advanced progressive illness by reviewing the evidence contained within Cochrane reviews.
METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) for all systematic reviews evaluating any interventions for the management of fatigue and/or unintentional weight loss in adults with advanced progressive illness (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue 8). We reviewed titles of interest by abstract. Where the relevance of a review remained unclear we reached a consensus regarding the relevance of the participant group and the outcome measures to the overview. Two overview authors extracted the data independently using a data extraction form. We used the measurement tool AMSTAR (Assessment of Multiple SysTemAtic Reviews) to assess the methodological quality of each systematic review.
MAIN RESULTS: We included 27 systematic reviews (302 studies with 31,833 participants) in the overview. None of the included systematic reviews reported quantitative data on the efficacy of interventions to manage fatigue or weight loss specific to people with advanced progressive illness. All of the included reviews apart from one were deemed of high methodological quality. For the remaining review we were unable to ascertain the methodological quality of the research strategy as it was described. None of the systematic reviews adequately described whether conflict of interests were present within the included studies.Management of fatigueAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (ALS/MND) - we identified one systematic review (two studies and 52 participants); the intervention was exercise.Cancer - we identified five systematic reviews (116 studies with 17,342 participants); the pharmacological interventions were eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and any drug therapy for the management of cancer-related fatigue and the non pharmacological interventions were exercise, interventions by breast care nurses and psychosocial interventions.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - we identified three systematic reviews (59 studies and 4048 participants); the interventions were self management education programmes, nutritional support and pulmonary rehabilitation.Cystic fibrosis - we identified one systematic review (nine studies and 833 participants); the intervention was physical training.Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - we identified two systematic reviews (21 studies and 748 participants); the interventions were progressive resistive exercise and aerobic exercise.Multiple sclerosis (MS) - we identified five systematic reviews (23 studies and 1502 participants); the pharmacological interventions were amantadine and carnitine. The non pharmacological interventions were diet, exercise and occupational therapy.Mixed conditions in advanced stages of illness - we identified one systematic review (five studies and 453 participants); the intervention was medically assisted hydration.Management of weight lossALS/MND - we identified one systematic review but no studies met the inclusion criteria for the systematic review; the intervention was enteral tube feeding.Cancer - we identified three systematic reviews with a fourth systematic review also containing extractable data on cancer (66 studies and 5601 participants); the pharmacological interventions were megestrol acetate and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (this systematic review is also included in the cancer fatigue section above). The non pharmacological interventions were enteral tube feeding and non invasive interventions for patients with lung cancer.COPD - we identified one systematic review (59 studies and 4048 participants); the intervention was nutritional support. This systematic review is also included in the COPD fatigue section.Cystic fibrosis - we identified two systematic reviews (three studies and 131 participants); the interventions were enteral tube feeding and oral calorie supplements.HIV/AIDS - we identified four systematic reviews (42 studies and 2071 participants); the pharmacological intervention was anabolic steroids. The non pharmacological interventions were nutritional interventions, progressive resistive exercise and aerobic exercise. Both of the systematic reviews on exercise interventions were also included in the HIV/AIDS fatigue section.MS - we found no systematic reviews which considered interventions to manage unintentional weight loss for people with a clinical diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at any stage of illness.Mixed conditions in advanced stages of illness - we identified two systematic reviews (32 studies and 4826 participants); the interventions were megestrol acetate and medically assisted nutrition.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is a lack of robust evidence for interventions to manage fatigue and/or unintentional weight loss in the advanced stage of progressive illnesses such as advanced cancer, heart failure, lung failure, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia and AIDS. The evidence contained within this overview provides some insight into interventions which may prove of benefit within this population such as exercise, some pharmacological treatments and support for self management.Researchers could improve the methodological quality of future studies by blinding of outcome assessors. Adopting uniform reporting mechanisms for fatigue and weight loss outcome measures would also allow the opportunity for meta-analysis of small studies.Researchers could also improve the applicability of recommendations for interventions to manage fatigue and unintentional weight loss in advanced progressive illness by including subgroup analysis of this population within systematic reviews of applicable interventions.More research is required to ascertain the best interventions to manage fatigue and/or weight loss in advanced illness. There is a need for standardised reporting of these symptoms and agreement amongst researchers of the minimum duration of studies and minimum percentage change in symptom experience that proves the benefits of an intervention. There are, however, challenges in providing meaningful outcome measurements against a background of deteriorating health through disease progression. Interventions to manage these symptoms must also be mindful of the impact on quality of life and should be focused on patient-orientated rather than purely disease-orientated experiences for patients. Systematic reviews and primary intervention studies should include the impact of the interventions on standardised validated quality of life measures.
Payne C, Wiffen PJ, Martin S. Interventions for fatigue and weight loss in adults with advanced progressive illness. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jan 18;1:CD008427.
BACKGROUND: Fatigue and unintentional weight loss are two of the commonest symptoms experienced by people with advanced progressive illness. Appropriate interventions may bring considerable improvements in function and quality of life to seriously ill people and their families, reducing physical, psychological and spiritual distress.
OBJECTIVES: To conduct an overview of the evidence available on the efficacy of interventions used in the management of fatigue and/or unintentional weight loss in adults with advanced progressive illness by reviewing the evidence contained within Cochrane reviews.
METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) for all systematic reviews evaluating any interventions for the management of fatigue and/or unintentional weight loss in adults with advanced progressive illness (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue 8). We reviewed titles of interest by abstract. Where the relevance of a review remained unclear we reached a consensus regarding the relevance of the participant group and the outcome measures to the overview. Two overview authors extracted the data independently using a data extraction form. We used the measurement tool AMSTAR (Assessment of Multiple SysTemAtic Reviews) to assess the methodological quality of each systematic review.
MAIN RESULTS: We included 27 systematic reviews (302 studies with 31,833 participants) in the overview. None of the included systematic reviews reported quantitative data on the efficacy of interventions to manage fatigue or weight loss specific to people with advanced progressive illness. All of the included reviews apart from one were deemed of high methodological quality. For the remaining review we were unable to ascertain the methodological quality of the research strategy as it was described. None of the systematic reviews adequately described whether conflict of interests were present within the included studies.Management of fatigueAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (ALS/MND) - we identified one systematic review (two studies and 52 participants); the intervention was exercise.Cancer - we identified five systematic reviews (116 studies with 17,342 participants); the pharmacological interventions were eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and any drug therapy for the management of cancer-related fatigue and the non pharmacological interventions were exercise, interventions by breast care nurses and psychosocial interventions.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - we identified three systematic reviews (59 studies and 4048 participants); the interventions were self management education programmes, nutritional support and pulmonary rehabilitation.Cystic fibrosis - we identified one systematic review (nine studies and 833 participants); the intervention was physical training.Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - we identified two systematic reviews (21 studies and 748 participants); the interventions were progressive resistive exercise and aerobic exercise.Multiple sclerosis (MS) - we identified five systematic reviews (23 studies and 1502 participants); the pharmacological interventions were amantadine and carnitine. The non pharmacological interventions were diet, exercise and occupational therapy.Mixed conditions in advanced stages of illness - we identified one systematic review (five studies and 453 participants); the intervention was medically assisted hydration.Management of weight lossALS/MND - we identified one systematic review but no studies met the inclusion criteria for the systematic review; the intervention was enteral tube feeding.Cancer - we identified three systematic reviews with a fourth systematic review also containing extractable data on cancer (66 studies and 5601 participants); the pharmacological interventions were megestrol acetate and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (this systematic review is also included in the cancer fatigue section above). The non pharmacological interventions were enteral tube feeding and non invasive interventions for patients with lung cancer.COPD - we identified one systematic review (59 studies and 4048 participants); the intervention was nutritional support. This systematic review is also included in the COPD fatigue section.Cystic fibrosis - we identified two systematic reviews (three studies and 131 participants); the interventions were enteral tube feeding and oral calorie supplements.HIV/AIDS - we identified four systematic reviews (42 studies and 2071 participants); the pharmacological intervention was anabolic steroids. The non pharmacological interventions were nutritional interventions, progressive resistive exercise and aerobic exercise. Both of the systematic reviews on exercise interventions were also included in the HIV/AIDS fatigue section.MS - we found no systematic reviews which considered interventions to manage unintentional weight loss for people with a clinical diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at any stage of illness.Mixed conditions in advanced stages of illness - we identified two systematic reviews (32 studies and 4826 participants); the interventions were megestrol acetate and medically assisted nutrition.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is a lack of robust evidence for interventions to manage fatigue and/or unintentional weight loss in the advanced stage of progressive illnesses such as advanced cancer, heart failure, lung failure, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia and AIDS. The evidence contained within this overview provides some insight into interventions which may prove of benefit within this population such as exercise, some pharmacological treatments and support for self management.Researchers could improve the methodological quality of future studies by blinding of outcome assessors. Adopting uniform reporting mechanisms for fatigue and weight loss outcome measures would also allow the opportunity for meta-analysis of small studies.Researchers could also improve the applicability of recommendations for interventions to manage fatigue and unintentional weight loss in advanced progressive illness by including subgroup analysis of this population within systematic reviews of applicable interventions.More research is required to ascertain the best interventions to manage fatigue and/or weight loss in advanced illness. There is a need for standardised reporting of these symptoms and agreement amongst researchers of the minimum duration of studies and minimum percentage change in symptom experience that proves the benefits of an intervention. There are, however, challenges in providing meaningful outcome measurements against a background of deteriorating health through disease progression. Interventions to manage these symptoms must also be mindful of the impact on quality of life and should be focused on patient-orientated rather than purely disease-orientated experiences for patients. Systematic reviews and primary intervention studies should include the impact of the interventions on standardised validated quality of life measures.
Bouziana SD, Tziomalos K. Malnutrition in patients with acute stroke. J Nutr Metab. 2011;2011:167898. Epub 2011 Dec 27.
[5] H. Takahata, K. Tsutsumi, H. Baba, I. Nagata, and M. Yonekura, “Early intervention to promote oral feeding in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: a retrospective cohort study,” BMC Neurology, vol. 11, article 6, 2011.
Stroke is a devastating event that carries a potential for long-term disability. Malnutrition is frequently observed in patients with stroke, and dysphagia contributes to malnutrition risk. During both the acute phase of stroke and rehabilitation, specific nutritional interventions in the context of a multidisciplinary team effort can enhance the recovery of neurocognitive function. Early identification and management of malnutrition with dietary modifications or specific therapeutic strategies to ensure adequate nutritional intake should receive more attention, since poor nutritional status appears to exacerbate brain damage and to contribute to adverse outcome. The main purpose of nutritional intervention should be the prevention or treatment of complications resulting from energy-protein deficit. This paper reviews the evaluation and management of malnutrition and the use of specialized nutrition support in patients with stroke. Emphasis is given to enteral tube and oral feeding and to strategies to wean from tube feeding.
Bouziana SD, Tziomalos K. Malnutrition in patients with acute stroke. J Nutr Metab. 2011;2011:167898. Epub 2011 Dec 27.
[5] H. Takahata, K. Tsutsumi, H. Baba, I. Nagata, and M. Yonekura, “Early intervention to promote oral feeding in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: a retrospective cohort study,” BMC Neurology, vol. 11, article 6, 2011.
Stroke is a devastating event that carries a potential for long-term disability. Malnutrition is frequently observed in patients with stroke, and dysphagia contributes to malnutrition risk. During both the acute phase of stroke and rehabilitation, specific nutritional interventions in the context of a multidisciplinary team effort can enhance the recovery of neurocognitive function. Early identification and management of malnutrition with dietary modifications or specific therapeutic strategies to ensure adequate nutritional intake should receive more attention, since poor nutritional status appears to exacerbate brain damage and to contribute to adverse outcome. The main purpose of nutritional intervention should be the prevention or treatment of complications resulting from energy-protein deficit. This paper reviews the evaluation and management of malnutrition and the use of specialized nutrition support in patients with stroke. Emphasis is given to enteral tube and oral feeding and to strategies to wean from tube feeding.
Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Hironobu Sashika: Association of Nutrition Status and Rehabilitation Outcome in the Disuse Syndrome: a Retrospective Cohort Study. General Medicine Vol. 12 (2011) , No. 2 pp.69-74
Background: To determine whether nutrition is associated with rehabilitation outcome in the disuse syndrome.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed in 223 inpatients admitted to a university hospital who were diagnosed by physicians in the rehabilitation department as having the disuse syndrome, and subsequently prescribed physical therapy. Malnutrition was defined as a body mass index<18.5 kg/m2, hemoglobin level<10.0 g/dl, serum albumin level<3.0 g/dl, or total lymphocyte count<1200 cells/mm3. Rehabilitation outcome was defined as whether or not the ADL score improved during rehabilitation. Nutritional status was assessed at referral using the Onodera's prognostic nutritional index (PNI).
Results: The study cohort included 136 men and 87 women (mean age 67.5 years; median duration between admission and referral 17 days; median rehabilitation duration 32 days). A total of 202 patients (91%) were defined as being malnourished. Mean PNI was 32.9, with the ADL score improving in 135 patients (61%) during rehabilitation. Rehabilitation outcome was better in patients with normal nutrition compared to malnourished patients (relative risk: 0.72, p=0.04). Patients with a hemoglobin level>10.0 g/dl (relative risk: 0.69, p=0.001), total lymphocyte count>1200 cells/mm3 (relative risk: 0.78, p=0.03), or PNI>35.0 (relative risk: 0.74, p=0.01) had a better rehabilitation outcome. Logistic regression analysis showed that hemoglobin level was associated independently with rehabilitation outcome (odds ratio 2.34, p=0.005).
Conclusions: Malnutrition is common in patients with the disuse syndrome. Patients with low hemoglobin level and PNI at referral are more likely to have a poor rehabilitation outcome.
Hidetaka Wakabayashi, Hironobu Sashika: Association of Nutrition Status and Rehabilitation Outcome in the Disuse Syndrome: a Retrospective Cohort Study. General Medicine Vol. 12 (2011) , No. 2 pp.69-74
Background: To determine whether nutrition is associated with rehabilitation outcome in the disuse syndrome.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed in 223 inpatients admitted to a university hospital who were diagnosed by physicians in the rehabilitation department as having the disuse syndrome, and subsequently prescribed physical therapy. Malnutrition was defined as a body mass index<18.5 kg/m2, hemoglobin level<10.0 g/dl, serum albumin level<3.0 g/dl, or total lymphocyte count<1200 cells/mm3. Rehabilitation outcome was defined as whether or not the ADL score improved during rehabilitation. Nutritional status was assessed at referral using the Onodera's prognostic nutritional index (PNI).
Results: The study cohort included 136 men and 87 women (mean age 67.5 years; median duration between admission and referral 17 days; median rehabilitation duration 32 days). A total of 202 patients (91%) were defined as being malnourished. Mean PNI was 32.9, with the ADL score improving in 135 patients (61%) during rehabilitation. Rehabilitation outcome was better in patients with normal nutrition compared to malnourished patients (relative risk: 0.72, p=0.04). Patients with a hemoglobin level>10.0 g/dl (relative risk: 0.69, p=0.001), total lymphocyte count>1200 cells/mm3 (relative risk: 0.78, p=0.03), or PNI>35.0 (relative risk: 0.74, p=0.01) had a better rehabilitation outcome. Logistic regression analysis showed that hemoglobin level was associated independently with rehabilitation outcome (odds ratio 2.34, p=0.005).
Conclusions: Malnutrition is common in patients with the disuse syndrome. Patients with low hemoglobin level and PNI at referral are more likely to have a poor rehabilitation outcome.
Kunihiro Sakuma and Akihiko Yamaguchi: Sarcopenia and cachexia: the adaptations of negative regulators of skeletal muscle mass. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, DOI: 10.1007/s13539-011-0052-4
骨格筋の負の調節因子としてAtrogin-1、muscle ring finger-1、nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB)、myostatinなどが報告されていますが、どの調節因子が働いているかや調節因子に対する適応は、サルコペニアと悪液質では異なっています。この点に関して詳しくレビューしています。
Recent advances in our understanding of the biology of muscle, and how anabolic and catabolic stimuli interact to control muscle mass and function, have led to new interest in the pharmacological treatment of muscle wasting. Loss of muscle occurs as a consequence of several chronic diseases (cachexia) as well as normal aging (sarcopenia). Although many negative regulators [Atrogin-1, muscle ring finger-1, nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB), myostatin, etc.] have been proposed to enhance protein degradation during both sarcopenia and cachexia, the adaptation of mediators markedly differs among these conditions. Sarcopenic and cachectic muscles have been demonstrated to be abundant in myostatin- and apoptosis-linked molecules. The ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) is activated during many different types of cachexia (cancer cachexia, cardiac heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), but not many mediators of the UPS change during sarcopenia. NF-κB signaling is activated in cachectic, but not in sarcopenic, muscle. Some studies have indicated a change of autophagic signaling during both sarcopenia and cachexia, but the adaptation remains to be elucidated. This review provides an overview of the adaptive changes in negative regulators of muscle mass in both sarcopenia and cachexia.
Kunihiro Sakuma and Akihiko Yamaguchi: Sarcopenia and cachexia: the adaptations of negative regulators of skeletal muscle mass. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, DOI: 10.1007/s13539-011-0052-4
骨格筋の負の調節因子としてAtrogin-1、muscle ring finger-1、nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB)、myostatinなどが報告されていますが、どの調節因子が働いているかや調節因子に対する適応は、サルコペニアと悪液質では異なっています。この点に関して詳しくレビューしています。
Recent advances in our understanding of the biology of muscle, and how anabolic and catabolic stimuli interact to control muscle mass and function, have led to new interest in the pharmacological treatment of muscle wasting. Loss of muscle occurs as a consequence of several chronic diseases (cachexia) as well as normal aging (sarcopenia). Although many negative regulators [Atrogin-1, muscle ring finger-1, nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB), myostatin, etc.] have been proposed to enhance protein degradation during both sarcopenia and cachexia, the adaptation of mediators markedly differs among these conditions. Sarcopenic and cachectic muscles have been demonstrated to be abundant in myostatin- and apoptosis-linked molecules. The ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) is activated during many different types of cachexia (cancer cachexia, cardiac heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), but not many mediators of the UPS change during sarcopenia. NF-κB signaling is activated in cachectic, but not in sarcopenic, muscle. Some studies have indicated a change of autophagic signaling during both sarcopenia and cachexia, but the adaptation remains to be elucidated. This review provides an overview of the adaptive changes in negative regulators of muscle mass in both sarcopenia and cachexia.
Vanhorebeek I, Gunst J, Derde S, Derese I, Boussemaere M, Güiza F, Martinet W, Timmermans JP, D'Hoore A, Wouters PJ, Van den Berghe G. Insufficient activation of autophagy allows cellular damage to accumulate in critically ill patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Apr;96(4):E633-45.
CONTEXT: Responses to critical illness, such as excessive inflammation and hyperglycemia, may trigger detrimental chain reactions that damage cellular proteins and organelles. Such responses to illness contribute to the risk of (nonresolving) multiple organ dysfunction and adverse outcome.
OBJECTIVE: We studied autophagy as a bulk degradation pathway able to remove toxic protein aggregates and damaged organelles and how these are affected by preventing hyperglycemia with insulin during critical illness.
DESIGN AND SETTING: Patients participated in a randomized study, conducted at a university hospital surgical/medical intensive care unit.
PATIENTS: We studied adult prolonged critically ill patients vs. controls.
Interventions: Tolerating excessive hyperglycemia was compared with intensive insulin therapy targeting normoglycemia.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We quantified (ultra)structural abnormalities and hepatic and skeletal muscle protein levels of key players in autophagy.
RESULTS: Morphologically, both liver and muscle revealed an autophagy-deficiency phenotype. Proteins involved in initiation and elongation steps of autophagy were induced 1.3- to 6.5-fold by critical illness (P ≤ 0.01), but mature autophagic vacuole formation was 62% impaired (P = 0.05) and proteins normally degraded by autophagy accumulated up to 97-fold (P ≤ 0.03). Mitophagy markers were unaltered or down-regulated (P = 0.05). Although insulin preserved hepatocytic mitochondrial integrity (P = 0.05), it further reduced the number of autophagic vacuoles by 80% (P = 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient autophagy in prolonged critical illness may cause inadequate removal of damaged proteins and mitochondria. Such incomplete clearance of cellular damage, inflicted by illness and aggravated by hyperglycemia, could explain lack of recovery from organ failure in prolonged critically ill patients. These data open perspectives for therapies that activate autophagy during critical illness.
Vanhorebeek I, Gunst J, Derde S, Derese I, Boussemaere M, Güiza F, Martinet W, Timmermans JP, D'Hoore A, Wouters PJ, Van den Berghe G. Insufficient activation of autophagy allows cellular damage to accumulate in critically ill patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Apr;96(4):E633-45.
CONTEXT: Responses to critical illness, such as excessive inflammation and hyperglycemia, may trigger detrimental chain reactions that damage cellular proteins and organelles. Such responses to illness contribute to the risk of (nonresolving) multiple organ dysfunction and adverse outcome.
OBJECTIVE: We studied autophagy as a bulk degradation pathway able to remove toxic protein aggregates and damaged organelles and how these are affected by preventing hyperglycemia with insulin during critical illness.
DESIGN AND SETTING: Patients participated in a randomized study, conducted at a university hospital surgical/medical intensive care unit.
PATIENTS: We studied adult prolonged critically ill patients vs. controls.
Interventions: Tolerating excessive hyperglycemia was compared with intensive insulin therapy targeting normoglycemia.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We quantified (ultra)structural abnormalities and hepatic and skeletal muscle protein levels of key players in autophagy.
RESULTS: Morphologically, both liver and muscle revealed an autophagy-deficiency phenotype. Proteins involved in initiation and elongation steps of autophagy were induced 1.3- to 6.5-fold by critical illness (P ≤ 0.01), but mature autophagic vacuole formation was 62% impaired (P = 0.05) and proteins normally degraded by autophagy accumulated up to 97-fold (P ≤ 0.03). Mitophagy markers were unaltered or down-regulated (P = 0.05). Although insulin preserved hepatocytic mitochondrial integrity (P = 0.05), it further reduced the number of autophagic vacuoles by 80% (P = 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient autophagy in prolonged critical illness may cause inadequate removal of damaged proteins and mitochondria. Such incomplete clearance of cellular damage, inflicted by illness and aggravated by hyperglycemia, could explain lack of recovery from organ failure in prolonged critically ill patients. These data open perspectives for therapies that activate autophagy during critical illness.
Susan H. McKiernan, et al: Cellular adaptation contributes to calorie restriction-induced preservation of skeletal muscle in aged rhesus monkeys. Experimental Gerontology, Available online 28 December 2011,
We have previously shown that a 30% reduced calorie intake diet delayed the onset of muscle mass loss in adult monkeys between ~16 and ~22 years of age and prevented multiple cellular phenotypes of aging. In the present study we show the impact of long term (~17 years) calorie restricton (CR) on muscle aging in very old monkeys (27–33 yrs) compared to age-matched Control monkeys fed ad libitum, and describe these data in the context of the whole longitudinal study. Muscle mass was preserved in very old calorie restricted (CR) monkeys compared to age-matched Controls. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an age-associated increase in the proportion of Type I fibers in the VL from Control animals that was prevented with CR. The cross sectional area (CSA) of Type II fibers was reduced in old CR animals compared to earlier time points (16–22 years of age); however, the total loss in CSA was only 15% in CR animals compared to 36% in old Controls at ~27 years of age. Atrophy was not detected in Type I fibers from either group. Notably, Type I fiber CSA was ~1.6 fold greater in VL from CR animals compared to Control animals at ~27 years of age. The frequency of VL muscle fibers with defects in mitochondrial electron transport system enzymes (ETSab), the absence of cytochrome c oxidase and hyper-reactive succinate dehydrogenase, were identical between Control and CR. We describe changes in ETSab fiber CSA and determined that CR fibers respond differently to the challenge of mitochondrial deficiency. Fiber counts of intact rectus femoris muscles revealed that muscle fiber density was preserved in old CR animals. We suggest that muscle fibers from CR animals are better poised to endure and adapt to changes in muscle mass than those of Control animals.
Susan H. McKiernan, et al: Cellular adaptation contributes to calorie restriction-induced preservation of skeletal muscle in aged rhesus monkeys. Experimental Gerontology, Available online 28 December 2011,
We have previously shown that a 30% reduced calorie intake diet delayed the onset of muscle mass loss in adult monkeys between ~16 and ~22 years of age and prevented multiple cellular phenotypes of aging. In the present study we show the impact of long term (~17 years) calorie restricton (CR) on muscle aging in very old monkeys (27–33 yrs) compared to age-matched Control monkeys fed ad libitum, and describe these data in the context of the whole longitudinal study. Muscle mass was preserved in very old calorie restricted (CR) monkeys compared to age-matched Controls. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed an age-associated increase in the proportion of Type I fibers in the VL from Control animals that was prevented with CR. The cross sectional area (CSA) of Type II fibers was reduced in old CR animals compared to earlier time points (16–22 years of age); however, the total loss in CSA was only 15% in CR animals compared to 36% in old Controls at ~27 years of age. Atrophy was not detected in Type I fibers from either group. Notably, Type I fiber CSA was ~1.6 fold greater in VL from CR animals compared to Control animals at ~27 years of age. The frequency of VL muscle fibers with defects in mitochondrial electron transport system enzymes (ETSab), the absence of cytochrome c oxidase and hyper-reactive succinate dehydrogenase, were identical between Control and CR. We describe changes in ETSab fiber CSA and determined that CR fibers respond differently to the challenge of mitochondrial deficiency. Fiber counts of intact rectus femoris muscles revealed that muscle fiber density was preserved in old CR animals. We suggest that muscle fibers from CR animals are better poised to endure and adapt to changes in muscle mass than those of Control animals.
こちらも主体会病院の森本義朗さん(と友達)が作ってくれた、日本リハ栄養研究会のロゴマークです。JARNは研究会の英語名である、Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Nutritionの頭文字です。
Zhaoping Li, David Heber: Sarcopenic obesity in the elderly and strategies for weight management. Article first published online: 4 JAN 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2011.00453.x
Sarcopenia is a multifactorial age-related condition associated with a sedentary lifestyle and protein intakes during weight loss that are inadequate to maintain muscle mass. Sarcopenic obesity in the elderly is associated with a loss of independence and metabolic complications and represents a major public health challenge in individuals over the age of 65 years. It is likely that age-related losses of muscle mass and coincident increases in fat mass could be reduced through regular resistance exercise combined with adequate protein intake to maintain muscle mass. It has been established that increased protein intake will maintain muscle mass during calorie-restricted diets to a greater extent than usual protein intake. Other strategies, including the use of high-protein meal replacements or supplementation with specific ergogenic or branched-chain amino acids, may be beneficial.
Zhaoping Li, David Heber: Sarcopenic obesity in the elderly and strategies for weight management. Article first published online: 4 JAN 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2011.00453.x
Sarcopenia is a multifactorial age-related condition associated with a sedentary lifestyle and protein intakes during weight loss that are inadequate to maintain muscle mass. Sarcopenic obesity in the elderly is associated with a loss of independence and metabolic complications and represents a major public health challenge in individuals over the age of 65 years. It is likely that age-related losses of muscle mass and coincident increases in fat mass could be reduced through regular resistance exercise combined with adequate protein intake to maintain muscle mass. It has been established that increased protein intake will maintain muscle mass during calorie-restricted diets to a greater extent than usual protein intake. Other strategies, including the use of high-protein meal replacements or supplementation with specific ergogenic or branched-chain amino acids, may be beneficial.
Alison Yaxley and Michelle D. Miller. The Challenge of Appropriate Identification and Treatment of Starvation, Sarcopenia, and Cachexia: A Survey of Australian Dietitians. Journal of Nutrition and MetabolismVolume 2011 (2011), Article ID 603161, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2011/603161
結果ですが、221人中81人(43%)が、飢餓、サルコペニア、悪液質のいずれかの言葉を使用していました。この中では悪液質が最も多かったです。3つすべての言葉を使用しているのは6人でした。低栄養の診断に最も使用していたのは筋肉減少(Muscle wasting)でした。
Malnutrition is an umbrella term that includes starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia; however, differentiating between these terms is infrequent in clinical practice. Given that the effectiveness of treatment depends on the aetiology of unintentional weight loss, it is important that clinicians are aware of the defining characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine whether Australian dietitians understand and use the terms starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia and provide targeted treatment strategies accordingly. Members of the Dietitians Association of Australia were surveyed to gain information on practices and attitudes to diagnosis and treatment of adult malnutrition. In addition, three case studies were provided to examine understanding of starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia. 221 dietitians accessed the survey. 81 respondents (43%) indicated the use of at least one alternate term (starvation, sarcopenia, and/or cachexia). Muscle wasting was the most commonly used diagnostic criterion. High-energy high-protein diet was the most common therapy prescribed. Correct diagnoses for case studies were recorded by 6% of respondents for starvation, 46% for sarcopenia, and 21% for cachexia. There is a need for increased awareness of the existence of starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia amongst Australian dietitians and research into appropriate methods of identification and treatment for each condition.
Alison Yaxley and Michelle D. Miller. The Challenge of Appropriate Identification and Treatment of Starvation, Sarcopenia, and Cachexia: A Survey of Australian Dietitians. Journal of Nutrition and MetabolismVolume 2011 (2011), Article ID 603161, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2011/603161
結果ですが、221人中81人(43%)が、飢餓、サルコペニア、悪液質のいずれかの言葉を使用していました。この中では悪液質が最も多かったです。3つすべての言葉を使用しているのは6人でした。低栄養の診断に最も使用していたのは筋肉減少(Muscle wasting)でした。
Malnutrition is an umbrella term that includes starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia; however, differentiating between these terms is infrequent in clinical practice. Given that the effectiveness of treatment depends on the aetiology of unintentional weight loss, it is important that clinicians are aware of the defining characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine whether Australian dietitians understand and use the terms starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia and provide targeted treatment strategies accordingly. Members of the Dietitians Association of Australia were surveyed to gain information on practices and attitudes to diagnosis and treatment of adult malnutrition. In addition, three case studies were provided to examine understanding of starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia. 221 dietitians accessed the survey. 81 respondents (43%) indicated the use of at least one alternate term (starvation, sarcopenia, and/or cachexia). Muscle wasting was the most commonly used diagnostic criterion. High-energy high-protein diet was the most common therapy prescribed. Correct diagnoses for case studies were recorded by 6% of respondents for starvation, 46% for sarcopenia, and 21% for cachexia. There is a need for increased awareness of the existence of starvation, sarcopenia, and cachexia amongst Australian dietitians and research into appropriate methods of identification and treatment for each condition.
このHPではPractice based research(PBR)について、以下のように定義されています。
このHPではPractice based research(PBR)について、以下のように定義されています。
Wei-Ju Lee, et al: Dose-dependent effect of rehabilitation in functional recovery of older patients in the post-acute care unit. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics doi:10.1016/j.archger.2011.11.012
P:何らかの急性疾患で入院しその後回復期リハ病棟(Post-acute care unit)に入院した高齢者に、
Post-acute care (PAC) is of great importance to promote functional recovery of older patients, which should be provided by the interdisciplinary team. In PAC services, rehabilitative therapy plays a key role, but the optimal intensity for rehabilitative therapy remained unclear. Between July 2007 and December 2010, all patients with functional decline after acute illness hospitalization admitted to the PAC unit of a community hospital in Taiwan were enrolled. Usual rehabilitation program, 40-min per day and five days a week, was provided to all patients before April 2009. After April 2009, the rehabilitative therapy was increased to 80 min per day. Functional improvement was measured by comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) at admission and 4 weeks after admissions to the PAC unit. Overall, 458 patients (mean age: 83.4 ± 5.5 years, all males) completed PAC services. Compared of all dimensions in CGA, increased dosage of rehabilitative therapy showed significantly better improvement in daily living activities (Barthel index (BI): 28.8 ± 18.4 vs. 20.0 ± 14.6, p < 0.001), depressive mood (geriatric depression score short form (GDS): −0.5 ± 1.0 vs. −0.1 ± 0.5, p < 0.001), and pain reduction (numerical rating scale (NRS): −2.0 ± 2.2 vs. −0.9 ± 2.1, p = 0.01); but not in cognitive function (mini-mental status examination (MMSE): 2.9 ± 3.3 vs. 3.3. ± 5.2, p = 0.305), and nutritional status (body mass index (BMI): 0.3 ± 0.9 vs. 0.3 ± 2.5, p = 0.9). In conclusion, intensive rehabilitative therapy significantly promote physical and psychological function with pain reduction, which deserves further investigations to evaluate whether there is a ceiling effect of rehabilitative therapy in PAC services.
Wei-Ju Lee, et al: Dose-dependent effect of rehabilitation in functional recovery of older patients in the post-acute care unit. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics doi:10.1016/j.archger.2011.11.012
P:何らかの急性疾患で入院しその後回復期リハ病棟(Post-acute care unit)に入院した高齢者に、
Post-acute care (PAC) is of great importance to promote functional recovery of older patients, which should be provided by the interdisciplinary team. In PAC services, rehabilitative therapy plays a key role, but the optimal intensity for rehabilitative therapy remained unclear. Between July 2007 and December 2010, all patients with functional decline after acute illness hospitalization admitted to the PAC unit of a community hospital in Taiwan were enrolled. Usual rehabilitation program, 40-min per day and five days a week, was provided to all patients before April 2009. After April 2009, the rehabilitative therapy was increased to 80 min per day. Functional improvement was measured by comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) at admission and 4 weeks after admissions to the PAC unit. Overall, 458 patients (mean age: 83.4 ± 5.5 years, all males) completed PAC services. Compared of all dimensions in CGA, increased dosage of rehabilitative therapy showed significantly better improvement in daily living activities (Barthel index (BI): 28.8 ± 18.4 vs. 20.0 ± 14.6, p < 0.001), depressive mood (geriatric depression score short form (GDS): −0.5 ± 1.0 vs. −0.1 ± 0.5, p < 0.001), and pain reduction (numerical rating scale (NRS): −2.0 ± 2.2 vs. −0.9 ± 2.1, p = 0.01); but not in cognitive function (mini-mental status examination (MMSE): 2.9 ± 3.3 vs. 3.3. ± 5.2, p = 0.305), and nutritional status (body mass index (BMI): 0.3 ± 0.9 vs. 0.3 ± 2.5, p = 0.9). In conclusion, intensive rehabilitative therapy significantly promote physical and psychological function with pain reduction, which deserves further investigations to evaluate whether there is a ceiling effect of rehabilitative therapy in PAC services.
昨日に引き続き、 神戸JSPENプログラムとリハ栄養です。昨日のブログで紹介しきれなかったリハ栄養関連の興味深い演題を紹介します。1500近い演題数ですし私の主観なので、漏れはあると思いますが…。
WS4-06 回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院脳卒中患者における初期栄養アセスメントとリハビリテーション効果の相関
高田俊之(兵庫県立総合リハビリテーションセンター中央病院 内科)、他
O-0056 脳神経疾患患者に対するICU・SCUから回復リハビリテーションにかけての栄養管理とADLへの効果
熊谷直子(横浜市立脳血管医療センター 栄養科)
O-0343 脳卒中急性期病棟における体重測定の取り組みと栄養管理
今井真子(財団法人黎明郷 弘前脳卒中・リハビリテーションセンター 1病棟)、他
O-0418 脳卒中患者における入院時血清アルブミン値と転帰との関連
若月圭吾(聖隷横浜病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
O-1033 急性期脳卒中患者の重症度と血清学的栄養指標についての検討
本間友紀苗(愛知医科大学病院 中央臨床検査部)、他
F-2 COPD増悪と栄養指標の関連:2年間の観察による検討
金子正博(神戸市立医療センター西市民病院 呼吸器内科)、他
O-0566 COPD患者に対するアプローチ~当院NSTの取り組み~
宗まりこ(霧ヶ丘つだ病院 栄養科)、他
O-0567 安定期COPD患者における「ホエイペプチド含有補助食品MEIN 」を用いた栄養補給療法の検討
山田公子(市立秋田総合病院 栄養室)、他
O-0568 呼吸器感染症症例に対するNST介入効果の検討
郡 隆之(利根中央病院 外科)、他
O-0569 肺結核患者の予後予測因子としてのMalnutrition Screening Toolの有用性
宮田 茂(医療法人仁泉会阪奈病院 呼吸器科)
O-0570 結核患者における栄養状態と入院期間に関する検討
杵渕進一(国立病院機構西新潟中央病院 呼吸器内科)、他
O-0571 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)患者を対象としたGNRIの有効性の検討 [第2報]
北 英士(大分赤十字病院 薬剤部)、他
O-0652 廃用性の嚥下障害患者の栄養アセスメントについて
清水裕子(上都賀総合病院 診療部 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0680 心臓血管外科手術後に廃用性嚥下機能障害を有する高齢患者に対する訓練体操の考案と,その効果
宗東由里(桜橋渡辺病院 ICU/CCU)、他
O-0603 要介護高齢者における栄養状態と口腔機能の特徴について
佐藤央一(医療法人 栄寿会 天満病院 リハビリテーション科)
O-0604 居宅要介護高齢者の低栄養リスクと口腔機能との関係
菊谷 武(日本歯科大学附属病院 口腔介護・リハビリテーションセンター)、他
O-0685 介護老人保健施設における栄養スクリーニングとNMA-Short Formの比較
館 宏(医療法人社団 館歯科医院手宮歯科医院 歯科)、他
O-0349 末梢静脈栄養を施行している摂食嚥下機能低下患者に関する検討
長谷良太(市立池田病院 栄養管理科)、他
O-0664 慢性GVHDにより摂食・嚥下障害を来たした患者へのリハビリテーション効果と課題
上野理美子(横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0045 栄養指標の推移とリハビリテーション効果の相関性の検討
桐野明子(山中温泉医療センター リハビリテーション室)、他
O-0094 低栄養者のADL改善と関わる要因についての検討
水口且久(厚生連高岡病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0099 日常生活活動と栄養状態の改善を予測する因子-重点的NST介入対象の選別を目指して-
穴田 聡(北里大学北里研究所病院 リハビリテーション技術科、NST)、他
O-0451 肝癌肝切除周術期の4職種連携による包括的リハビリテーションの臨床効果
O-0541 呼吸器リハビリテーションを施行した敗血症患者に対する栄養管理の検討
丹生竜太郎(福岡県済生会八幡総合病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0708 理学療法士・作業療法士が行う栄養評価 -リハビリテーション栄養の実践をめざして-
岩下正樹(社会医療法人緑壮会金田病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0717 「神奈川摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション研究会で作成したNST・嚥下連絡票(神奈川Ver.2)について」
鈴田眞由美(神奈川摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション研究会 地域連携)、他
O-0994 入院時の栄養状態が退院時ADLに与える影響-MNAを用いて-
久野純治(医療法人鉄蕉会 亀田リハビリテーション病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
O-0065 低ADL患者における投与エネルギー量の検討について
早崎麻衣子(帝京大学医学部附属病院 NST)、他
WS4-06 回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院脳卒中患者における初期栄養アセスメントとリハビリテーション効果の相関
高田俊之(兵庫県立総合リハビリテーションセンター中央病院 内科)、他
O-0056 脳神経疾患患者に対するICU・SCUから回復リハビリテーションにかけての栄養管理とADLへの効果
熊谷直子(横浜市立脳血管医療センター 栄養科)
O-0343 脳卒中急性期病棟における体重測定の取り組みと栄養管理
今井真子(財団法人黎明郷 弘前脳卒中・リハビリテーションセンター 1病棟)、他
O-0418 脳卒中患者における入院時血清アルブミン値と転帰との関連
若月圭吾(聖隷横浜病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
O-1033 急性期脳卒中患者の重症度と血清学的栄養指標についての検討
本間友紀苗(愛知医科大学病院 中央臨床検査部)、他
F-2 COPD増悪と栄養指標の関連:2年間の観察による検討
金子正博(神戸市立医療センター西市民病院 呼吸器内科)、他
O-0566 COPD患者に対するアプローチ~当院NSTの取り組み~
宗まりこ(霧ヶ丘つだ病院 栄養科)、他
O-0567 安定期COPD患者における「ホエイペプチド含有補助食品MEIN 」を用いた栄養補給療法の検討
山田公子(市立秋田総合病院 栄養室)、他
O-0568 呼吸器感染症症例に対するNST介入効果の検討
郡 隆之(利根中央病院 外科)、他
O-0569 肺結核患者の予後予測因子としてのMalnutrition Screening Toolの有用性
宮田 茂(医療法人仁泉会阪奈病院 呼吸器科)
O-0570 結核患者における栄養状態と入院期間に関する検討
杵渕進一(国立病院機構西新潟中央病院 呼吸器内科)、他
O-0571 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)患者を対象としたGNRIの有効性の検討 [第2報]
北 英士(大分赤十字病院 薬剤部)、他
O-0652 廃用性の嚥下障害患者の栄養アセスメントについて
清水裕子(上都賀総合病院 診療部 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0680 心臓血管外科手術後に廃用性嚥下機能障害を有する高齢患者に対する訓練体操の考案と,その効果
宗東由里(桜橋渡辺病院 ICU/CCU)、他
O-0603 要介護高齢者における栄養状態と口腔機能の特徴について
佐藤央一(医療法人 栄寿会 天満病院 リハビリテーション科)
O-0604 居宅要介護高齢者の低栄養リスクと口腔機能との関係
菊谷 武(日本歯科大学附属病院 口腔介護・リハビリテーションセンター)、他
O-0685 介護老人保健施設における栄養スクリーニングとNMA-Short Formの比較
館 宏(医療法人社団 館歯科医院手宮歯科医院 歯科)、他
O-0349 末梢静脈栄養を施行している摂食嚥下機能低下患者に関する検討
長谷良太(市立池田病院 栄養管理科)、他
O-0664 慢性GVHDにより摂食・嚥下障害を来たした患者へのリハビリテーション効果と課題
上野理美子(横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0045 栄養指標の推移とリハビリテーション効果の相関性の検討
桐野明子(山中温泉医療センター リハビリテーション室)、他
O-0094 低栄養者のADL改善と関わる要因についての検討
水口且久(厚生連高岡病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0099 日常生活活動と栄養状態の改善を予測する因子-重点的NST介入対象の選別を目指して-
穴田 聡(北里大学北里研究所病院 リハビリテーション技術科、NST)、他
O-0451 肝癌肝切除周術期の4職種連携による包括的リハビリテーションの臨床効果
O-0541 呼吸器リハビリテーションを施行した敗血症患者に対する栄養管理の検討
丹生竜太郎(福岡県済生会八幡総合病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0708 理学療法士・作業療法士が行う栄養評価 -リハビリテーション栄養の実践をめざして-
岩下正樹(社会医療法人緑壮会金田病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0717 「神奈川摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション研究会で作成したNST・嚥下連絡票(神奈川Ver.2)について」
鈴田眞由美(神奈川摂食・嚥下リハビリテーション研究会 地域連携)、他
O-0994 入院時の栄養状態が退院時ADLに与える影響-MNAを用いて-
久野純治(医療法人鉄蕉会 亀田リハビリテーション病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
O-0065 低ADL患者における投与エネルギー量の検討について
早崎麻衣子(帝京大学医学部附属病院 NST)、他
主題:「サルコペニア」 第12会場 神戸国際会議場 1階 メインホール 2月23日(木)13:30~15:30
若林秀隆(横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター リハビリテーション科)
ミニワークショップ6 高齢者・サルコペニア 第12会場 神戸国際会議場 1階 メインホール 2月23日(木)10:30~11:30
MW-30 高齢者の待期的大腸癌手術後における経口摂取に対する検討
宇野彰晋(磐田市立総合病院 NST)、他
MW-31 上肢・下肢の骨格筋の年齢別および機能別の変化および基準値の作成 -高齢者3,219名を対象とした横断研究-
山田 実(京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻)、他
MW-32 当院における超高齢肺炎症例の実態 ―摂食機能の転帰についての検討―
前田はつ美(済生会松阪総合病院 NST 管理栄養課)、他
MW-33 当院におけるサルコぺニア症例の評価と介入
小林利彰(熊本第一病院 NST リハビリテーション科)、他
MW-34 介護老人施設入所者における栄養状態の検討
馬場慎司(新河端病院 消化管センター外科、NST)、他
MW-35 急性期病院入院中に転倒した患者の栄養状態について一考察
森みさ子(聖マリアンナ医科大学横浜市西部病院 総合栄養支援室)、他
一般演題(口演)94 栄養管理:整形外科疾患1 第17会場 神戸国際会議場 5階 503-5会議室 2月23日(木)8:30~9:30
O-0554 大腿骨頸部・転子部骨折患者における栄養管理
水上京子(労働者健康福祉機構山陰労災病院 NST)、他
O-0555 大腿骨頸部骨折患者の入院時栄養指標と歩行予後に関する検討
神野俊介(独立行政法人国立病院機構 金沢医療センター リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0556 当院整形外科周術期栄養管理とリハビリテーション 化膿性脊椎炎症例を中心に
坂元隆一(静岡市立清水病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0557 大腿骨近位部骨折患者におけるMNA-SFと転帰・FIMとの関係性
澤田篤史(北海道済生会小樽病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
O-0558 大腿骨近位部骨折周術期における自力摂食の維持の重要性
秋山謙太(医療法人 伴帥会 愛野記念病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0559 大腿骨頸部骨折患者における術前・術後の栄養状態の変化と術式との関係について
天野陽生(社会保険山梨病院 栄養管理委員会)、他
一般演題(口演)95 栄養管理:整形外科疾患2 第17会場 神戸国際会議場 5階 503-5会議室 2月23日(木)9:30~10:30
O-0560 大腿骨頚部骨折術全後感染合併症の栄養学的予測因子
池田眞人(社会保険山梨病院 栄養管理委員会,内分泌・代謝内科)、他
O-0561 当院での高齢者大腿骨骨頸部折患者に対するNST介入による効果
木原直貴(喜馬病院 外科)、他
O-0562 高齢者の大腿骨頚部骨折(FNF)におけるプレハビリテーションの重要性
松本昇子(埼玉成恵会病院 看護部)、他
O-0563 リハビリ病院入院時における大腿骨頸部骨折患者の栄養状態と連携パスへの提言
木倉敏彦(富山県高志リハビリテーション病院 内科)
O-0564 整形外科手術施行患者におけるNST介入の必要性について
松田恵子(老年病研究所附属病院 看護部)、他
O-0565 化膿性脊椎炎の筋委縮に対してリハ栄養管理を行った症例
西谷 淳(北海道済生会小樽病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
一般演題(口演)169 栄養評価13 第11会場 神戸ポートピアホテル 南館16階 レインボー 2月24日(金)9:30~10:30
O-1000 回復期リハビリ病棟におけるMNA-SFスクリーニングの意義
土屋浩子(登別厚生年金病院 栄養部)、他
O-1001 MNA-SFを用いた訪問リハビリ利用者の栄養評価
水野智之(飯田市立病院 訪問リハビリテーション)
O-1002 NSTにおける理学療法士の役割と可能性
井出浩希(飛騨市民病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1003 リハスタッフにおけるNST専門療法士の認知度
高橋浩平(田園調布中央病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1004 回復期リハビリ病棟での疾患別リハビリと栄養状態の関連;横断研究
内田一樹(医療法人 桜十字病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1005 回復期リハビリ病棟における栄養管理と日常生活自立度の改善
染谷滋子(医療法人社団協友会東大宮総合病院 看護部)、他
一般演題(口演)171 栄養評価15 第11会場 神戸ポートピアホテル 南館16階 レインボー 2月24日(金)13:30~14:30
O-1012 高齢脳外科疾患患者におけるMNA-SFを用いた栄養評価
久保長美(鹿児島市立病院 4階病棟)、他
O-1013 回復期リハビリテーション病院における大腿骨近位部骨折患者の栄養状態と日常生活活動との関係
矢田順治(リハビリテーションセンター熊本回生会病院 リハビリテーション部)
O-1014 NST対象症例における栄養介入とリハビリテーションの効果
鈴木裕也(医療法人社団新日鐵八幡記念病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-1015 栄養スクリーニングツールとしてのSGA、MNA-SFの比較
春木亜紀子(亀田総合病院 栄養管理室)、他
O-1016 外科病棟におけるMNA-SFの有用性に関する検討
永井 徹(国立病院機構千葉東病院 栄養管理室)、他
O-1017 回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院脳卒中患者に対するMNAーSFを用いた栄養評価の有用性
三谷加乃代(兵庫県立総合リハビリテーションセンター中央病院 栄養指導室)、他
一般演題(口演)173 栄養評価17 第11会場 神戸ポートピアホテル 南館16階 レインボー 2月24日(金)15:30~16:30
O-1024 入院リハビリテーション施行者における低アルブミン血症と日常生活活動の改善との関連について
桑原慶太(北里大学北里研究所メディカルセンター病院 リハビリテーションセンター)、他
O-1025 回復期リハビリテーション病棟における運動機能の回復と栄養状態について
小野桂苗(医療法人創和会 しげい病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-1026 当院回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院後期高齢患者の入院時血清アルブミン値による差の検討
森本義朗(主体会病院 総合リハビリテーションセンター)、他
O-1027 脳血管障害回復期リハビリテーション期間中の体重変化と栄養評価
馬島瑩郷(埼玉みさと総合リハビリテーション病院 内科)、他
O-1028 当院のリハビリ対象患者における栄養評価の現状と今後の課題
三瓶秀明(佐々総合病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1029 高齢者に対する栄養ケアとリハビリの成果~MNAとFIM、110症例の評価~
酒向 幸(医療法人香徳会 関中央病院 薬剤科)、他
主題:「サルコペニア」 第12会場 神戸国際会議場 1階 メインホール 2月23日(木)13:30~15:30
若林秀隆(横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター リハビリテーション科)
ミニワークショップ6 高齢者・サルコペニア 第12会場 神戸国際会議場 1階 メインホール 2月23日(木)10:30~11:30
MW-30 高齢者の待期的大腸癌手術後における経口摂取に対する検討
宇野彰晋(磐田市立総合病院 NST)、他
MW-31 上肢・下肢の骨格筋の年齢別および機能別の変化および基準値の作成 -高齢者3,219名を対象とした横断研究-
山田 実(京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻)、他
MW-32 当院における超高齢肺炎症例の実態 ―摂食機能の転帰についての検討―
前田はつ美(済生会松阪総合病院 NST 管理栄養課)、他
MW-33 当院におけるサルコぺニア症例の評価と介入
小林利彰(熊本第一病院 NST リハビリテーション科)、他
MW-34 介護老人施設入所者における栄養状態の検討
馬場慎司(新河端病院 消化管センター外科、NST)、他
MW-35 急性期病院入院中に転倒した患者の栄養状態について一考察
森みさ子(聖マリアンナ医科大学横浜市西部病院 総合栄養支援室)、他
一般演題(口演)94 栄養管理:整形外科疾患1 第17会場 神戸国際会議場 5階 503-5会議室 2月23日(木)8:30~9:30
O-0554 大腿骨頸部・転子部骨折患者における栄養管理
水上京子(労働者健康福祉機構山陰労災病院 NST)、他
O-0555 大腿骨頸部骨折患者の入院時栄養指標と歩行予後に関する検討
神野俊介(独立行政法人国立病院機構 金沢医療センター リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0556 当院整形外科周術期栄養管理とリハビリテーション 化膿性脊椎炎症例を中心に
坂元隆一(静岡市立清水病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-0557 大腿骨近位部骨折患者におけるMNA-SFと転帰・FIMとの関係性
澤田篤史(北海道済生会小樽病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
O-0558 大腿骨近位部骨折周術期における自力摂食の維持の重要性
秋山謙太(医療法人 伴帥会 愛野記念病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-0559 大腿骨頸部骨折患者における術前・術後の栄養状態の変化と術式との関係について
天野陽生(社会保険山梨病院 栄養管理委員会)、他
一般演題(口演)95 栄養管理:整形外科疾患2 第17会場 神戸国際会議場 5階 503-5会議室 2月23日(木)9:30~10:30
O-0560 大腿骨頚部骨折術全後感染合併症の栄養学的予測因子
池田眞人(社会保険山梨病院 栄養管理委員会,内分泌・代謝内科)、他
O-0561 当院での高齢者大腿骨骨頸部折患者に対するNST介入による効果
木原直貴(喜馬病院 外科)、他
O-0562 高齢者の大腿骨頚部骨折(FNF)におけるプレハビリテーションの重要性
松本昇子(埼玉成恵会病院 看護部)、他
O-0563 リハビリ病院入院時における大腿骨頸部骨折患者の栄養状態と連携パスへの提言
木倉敏彦(富山県高志リハビリテーション病院 内科)
O-0564 整形外科手術施行患者におけるNST介入の必要性について
松田恵子(老年病研究所附属病院 看護部)、他
O-0565 化膿性脊椎炎の筋委縮に対してリハ栄養管理を行った症例
西谷 淳(北海道済生会小樽病院 リハビリテーション室)、他
一般演題(口演)169 栄養評価13 第11会場 神戸ポートピアホテル 南館16階 レインボー 2月24日(金)9:30~10:30
O-1000 回復期リハビリ病棟におけるMNA-SFスクリーニングの意義
土屋浩子(登別厚生年金病院 栄養部)、他
O-1001 MNA-SFを用いた訪問リハビリ利用者の栄養評価
水野智之(飯田市立病院 訪問リハビリテーション)
O-1002 NSTにおける理学療法士の役割と可能性
井出浩希(飛騨市民病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1003 リハスタッフにおけるNST専門療法士の認知度
高橋浩平(田園調布中央病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1004 回復期リハビリ病棟での疾患別リハビリと栄養状態の関連;横断研究
内田一樹(医療法人 桜十字病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1005 回復期リハビリ病棟における栄養管理と日常生活自立度の改善
染谷滋子(医療法人社団協友会東大宮総合病院 看護部)、他
一般演題(口演)171 栄養評価15 第11会場 神戸ポートピアホテル 南館16階 レインボー 2月24日(金)13:30~14:30
O-1012 高齢脳外科疾患患者におけるMNA-SFを用いた栄養評価
久保長美(鹿児島市立病院 4階病棟)、他
O-1013 回復期リハビリテーション病院における大腿骨近位部骨折患者の栄養状態と日常生活活動との関係
矢田順治(リハビリテーションセンター熊本回生会病院 リハビリテーション部)
O-1014 NST対象症例における栄養介入とリハビリテーションの効果
鈴木裕也(医療法人社団新日鐵八幡記念病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-1015 栄養スクリーニングツールとしてのSGA、MNA-SFの比較
春木亜紀子(亀田総合病院 栄養管理室)、他
O-1016 外科病棟におけるMNA-SFの有用性に関する検討
永井 徹(国立病院機構千葉東病院 栄養管理室)、他
O-1017 回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院脳卒中患者に対するMNAーSFを用いた栄養評価の有用性
三谷加乃代(兵庫県立総合リハビリテーションセンター中央病院 栄養指導室)、他
一般演題(口演)173 栄養評価17 第11会場 神戸ポートピアホテル 南館16階 レインボー 2月24日(金)15:30~16:30
O-1024 入院リハビリテーション施行者における低アルブミン血症と日常生活活動の改善との関連について
桑原慶太(北里大学北里研究所メディカルセンター病院 リハビリテーションセンター)、他
O-1025 回復期リハビリテーション病棟における運動機能の回復と栄養状態について
小野桂苗(医療法人創和会 しげい病院 リハビリテーション部)、他
O-1026 当院回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院後期高齢患者の入院時血清アルブミン値による差の検討
森本義朗(主体会病院 総合リハビリテーションセンター)、他
O-1027 脳血管障害回復期リハビリテーション期間中の体重変化と栄養評価
馬島瑩郷(埼玉みさと総合リハビリテーション病院 内科)、他
O-1028 当院のリハビリ対象患者における栄養評価の現状と今後の課題
三瓶秀明(佐々総合病院 リハビリテーション科)、他
O-1029 高齢者に対する栄養ケアとリハビリの成果~MNAとFIM、110症例の評価~
酒向 幸(医療法人香徳会 関中央病院 薬剤科)、他
場所:てだこホール 市民交流室,
〒901-2103 沖縄県浦添市仲間1丁目9−3 098-942-4360
14:00〜15:30 特別講演1 アセスメントからはじまる栄養ケア 〜今まで知らなかった低栄養の真実〜
沖縄リハビリテーションセンター病院 内科 吉田 貞夫
15:30〜16:00 休憩(30分)
16:00〜17:30 特別講演2 リハビリテーションと臨床栄養 ‐栄養ケアがリハを変える‐
横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター リハビリテーション科 若林 秀隆
2演題とも、座長を宜野湾記念病院 内科 湧上 聖 先生にお願いしています。
共催:日本リハビリテーション栄養研究会九州支部、ネスレ日本株式会社 ネスレニュートリションカンパニー
場所:てだこホール 市民交流室,
〒901-2103 沖縄県浦添市仲間1丁目9−3 098-942-4360
14:00〜15:30 特別講演1 アセスメントからはじまる栄養ケア 〜今まで知らなかった低栄養の真実〜
沖縄リハビリテーションセンター病院 内科 吉田 貞夫
15:30〜16:00 休憩(30分)
16:00〜17:30 特別講演2 リハビリテーションと臨床栄養 ‐栄養ケアがリハを変える‐
横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター リハビリテーション科 若林 秀隆
2演題とも、座長を宜野湾記念病院 内科 湧上 聖 先生にお願いしています。
共催:日本リハビリテーション栄養研究会九州支部、ネスレ日本株式会社 ネスレニュートリションカンパニー
We suggest the term “myopenia” to indicate the presence of clinically relevant muscle wasting due to any illness and at any age
Kenneth Fearon, William J. Evans, and Stefan D. Anker: myopenia—a new universal term for muscle wasting. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2011;2:1–3.
Muscle Quality(筋肉の質)と筋肉量の関連
Muscle Quality(筋肉の質)と筋肉量の関連をみた論文を紹介します。
Sébastien Barbat-Artigas, Marie-Eve Filion, Stéphanie Plouffe, and Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre: Muscle Quality As a Potential Explanation of the Metabolically Healthy but Obese and Sarcopenic Obese Paradoxes. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. -Not available-, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/met.2011.0092.
抄録しか読んでいないので詳細不明ですが、この論文ではサルコペニアをType I とTypeII に分けています。分類は以下の通りで、TypeIIがサルコペニア、Type Iがサルコペニアのリスク群といえます。
Type I sarcopenia is defined as an SMI value of 1 to 2 SDs below the values for young adults from a reference population, whereas type II sarcopenia represents an SMI of 2 SDs or more below the same value.
O:Muscle Quality(筋肉の質)が高い=筋肉量が少ない割に筋力が強い
結果ですが、骨格筋の筋肉量と筋力は正常体重群と過体重群(BMI25-30)では有意な相関を認めましたが、肥満群(BMI30以上)では相関を認めませんでした。筋肉量(筋肉量指数も)と筋肉の質は3群とも有意な逆相関を認めました(筋肉量が多いほど筋肉の質が低い)。TypeIIサルコペニアではType Iサルコペニア(リスク群)より筋肉の質が有意に高かったです。
Muscle Qualityについて触れている論文は多少ありますが、日本語訳が定まっていないようです。「筋肉質」では筋肉量が多い体格の意味になってしまうので、「筋肉の質」と訳しました。筋肉量減少よりも筋力低下のほうがADLへの影響は大きいので、サルコペニアでも筋肉の質がよければADLへの支障は少なめになります。
Background: Obesity has been associated with metabolic complications. However, two subgroups of obese individuals (namely “sarcopenic obese” and “metabolically healthy but obese” individuals) with low muscle mass appear to have a better metabolic profile. Despite having a lower muscle mass, these individuals appear to have higher muscle strength, suggesting higher muscle quality. Studies have reported insulin sensitivity to be related to muscle quality. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that low muscle mass was associated with better muscle quality in obese individuals.
Methods: A total of 112 postmenopausal women aged between 50 and 77 years (means, 61±6 years) were recruited. Body composition (bioelectrical impedancemetry), muscle strength (hand dynamometer), and functional capacity (chair stand test, alternate step test and balance test) were measured.
Results: Skeletal muscle mass (SM; kg) was significantly positively correlated with muscle strength (kg) in normal weight (r=0.43; P=0.003) and overweight (r=0.42; P=0.020) women, but not in obese (r=0.28; P=0.13) women. Muscle mass (kg) was significantly negatively correlated with muscle quality (kg/SMkg) in normal weight (r=−0.41, P=0.005), overweight (r=−0.59; P<0.001) and obese (r=−0.59; P<0.001) individuals. Skeletal muscle mass index (kg/m2) was significantly negatively correlated with muscle quality in normal weight (r=−0.33, P=0.025), overweight (r=−0.47, P=0.008), and obese (r=−0.43, P=0.015) women. Finally, type II sarcopenic individuals had higher muscle quality than type I sarcopenic (P=0.002) and nonsarcopenic (P=0.001) individuals.
Conclusions: Our results support our hypothesis and showed that muscle quality increased as muscle mass and muscle mass index decreased. Thus, muscle quality may potentially explain the favorable metabolic profile observed in metabolically healthy but obese and sarcopenic obese postmenopausal women. Further studies including metabolic data are needed to confirm our results.
Sébastien Barbat-Artigas, Marie-Eve Filion, Stéphanie Plouffe, and Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre: Muscle Quality As a Potential Explanation of the Metabolically Healthy but Obese and Sarcopenic Obese Paradoxes. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. -Not available-, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/met.2011.0092.
抄録しか読んでいないので詳細不明ですが、この論文ではサルコペニアをType I とTypeII に分けています。分類は以下の通りで、TypeIIがサルコペニア、Type Iがサルコペニアのリスク群といえます。
Type I sarcopenia is defined as an SMI value of 1 to 2 SDs below the values for young adults from a reference population, whereas type II sarcopenia represents an SMI of 2 SDs or more below the same value.
O:Muscle Quality(筋肉の質)が高い=筋肉量が少ない割に筋力が強い
結果ですが、骨格筋の筋肉量と筋力は正常体重群と過体重群(BMI25-30)では有意な相関を認めましたが、肥満群(BMI30以上)では相関を認めませんでした。筋肉量(筋肉量指数も)と筋肉の質は3群とも有意な逆相関を認めました(筋肉量が多いほど筋肉の質が低い)。TypeIIサルコペニアではType Iサルコペニア(リスク群)より筋肉の質が有意に高かったです。
Muscle Qualityについて触れている論文は多少ありますが、日本語訳が定まっていないようです。「筋肉質」では筋肉量が多い体格の意味になってしまうので、「筋肉の質」と訳しました。筋肉量減少よりも筋力低下のほうがADLへの影響は大きいので、サルコペニアでも筋肉の質がよければADLへの支障は少なめになります。
Background: Obesity has been associated with metabolic complications. However, two subgroups of obese individuals (namely “sarcopenic obese” and “metabolically healthy but obese” individuals) with low muscle mass appear to have a better metabolic profile. Despite having a lower muscle mass, these individuals appear to have higher muscle strength, suggesting higher muscle quality. Studies have reported insulin sensitivity to be related to muscle quality. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that low muscle mass was associated with better muscle quality in obese individuals.
Methods: A total of 112 postmenopausal women aged between 50 and 77 years (means, 61±6 years) were recruited. Body composition (bioelectrical impedancemetry), muscle strength (hand dynamometer), and functional capacity (chair stand test, alternate step test and balance test) were measured.
Results: Skeletal muscle mass (SM; kg) was significantly positively correlated with muscle strength (kg) in normal weight (r=0.43; P=0.003) and overweight (r=0.42; P=0.020) women, but not in obese (r=0.28; P=0.13) women. Muscle mass (kg) was significantly negatively correlated with muscle quality (kg/SMkg) in normal weight (r=−0.41, P=0.005), overweight (r=−0.59; P<0.001) and obese (r=−0.59; P<0.001) individuals. Skeletal muscle mass index (kg/m2) was significantly negatively correlated with muscle quality in normal weight (r=−0.33, P=0.025), overweight (r=−0.47, P=0.008), and obese (r=−0.43, P=0.015) women. Finally, type II sarcopenic individuals had higher muscle quality than type I sarcopenic (P=0.002) and nonsarcopenic (P=0.001) individuals.
Conclusions: Our results support our hypothesis and showed that muscle quality increased as muscle mass and muscle mass index decreased. Thus, muscle quality may potentially explain the favorable metabolic profile observed in metabolically healthy but obese and sarcopenic obese postmenopausal women. Further studies including metabolic data are needed to confirm our results.
Beck AM, Kjaer S, Hansen BS, Storm RL, Thal-Jantzen K. Study protocol: Follow-up home visits with nutrition: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatr. 2011 Dec 28;11(1):90. [Epub ahead of print]
BACKGROUND: Geriatric patients are at high risk of re-admission after discharge. Pre-existing nutritional risk amongst these patients is of primary concern, with former nutritional intervention studies being largely ineffective. None of these studies has included individual dietary counselling by a registered dietician or has considered competing medical conditions in the participants. A former randomised study has shown that comprehensive discharge follow-up in geriatric patients homes by general practitioners and district nurses was effective in reducing the re-admission risk in the intervention group compared to the control group. That study did not include a nutritional intervention. The purpose of this study is to assess the combined benefits of an intervention consisting of discharge follow-up in geriatric patients' home by a general practitioner and a registered dietician.
Methods/design: This single-blind randomised controlled study, will recruit 180 hospitalised geriatric medical patients (65+ y) at nutritional risk. Participants will be randomly allocated to receive in their homes, either 12 weeks individualised nutritional counselling by a registered dietician complemented with follow-up by general practitioners or a 12 weeks follow-up by general practitioners alone.
DISCUSSION: This trial is the first of its kind to provide individual nutritional intervention combined with follow-up by general practitioner as an intervention to reduce risk of re-admission after discharge among geriatric medical patients. The results will hopefully help to guide the development of more effective rehabilitation programs following hospital admissions, which may ultimately lead to reduced health care costs, and improvement in mobility, independence and quality of life for geriatric patients at nutritional risk. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov 2010 NCT01249716.
Beck AM, Kjaer S, Hansen BS, Storm RL, Thal-Jantzen K. Study protocol: Follow-up home visits with nutrition: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Geriatr. 2011 Dec 28;11(1):90. [Epub ahead of print]
BACKGROUND: Geriatric patients are at high risk of re-admission after discharge. Pre-existing nutritional risk amongst these patients is of primary concern, with former nutritional intervention studies being largely ineffective. None of these studies has included individual dietary counselling by a registered dietician or has considered competing medical conditions in the participants. A former randomised study has shown that comprehensive discharge follow-up in geriatric patients homes by general practitioners and district nurses was effective in reducing the re-admission risk in the intervention group compared to the control group. That study did not include a nutritional intervention. The purpose of this study is to assess the combined benefits of an intervention consisting of discharge follow-up in geriatric patients' home by a general practitioner and a registered dietician.
Methods/design: This single-blind randomised controlled study, will recruit 180 hospitalised geriatric medical patients (65+ y) at nutritional risk. Participants will be randomly allocated to receive in their homes, either 12 weeks individualised nutritional counselling by a registered dietician complemented with follow-up by general practitioners or a 12 weeks follow-up by general practitioners alone.
DISCUSSION: This trial is the first of its kind to provide individual nutritional intervention combined with follow-up by general practitioner as an intervention to reduce risk of re-admission after discharge among geriatric medical patients. The results will hopefully help to guide the development of more effective rehabilitation programs following hospital admissions, which may ultimately lead to reduced health care costs, and improvement in mobility, independence and quality of life for geriatric patients at nutritional risk. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov 2010 NCT01249716.
婦人科がん患者の悪液質に対する複合療法のphase III RCTを紹介します。
Macciò A, Madeddu C, Gramignano G, Mulas C, Floris C, Sanna E, Cau MC, Panzone F, Mantovani G. A randomized phase III clinical trial of a combined treatment for cachexia in patients with gynecological cancers: Evaluating the impact on metabolic and inflammatory profiles and quality of life. Gynecol Oncol. 2011 Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print]
E:酢酸メゲストロール(黄体ホルモン製剤)+Lカルニチン+セレコキシブ(COX-2 選択的阻害剤の非ステロイド性消炎鎮痛薬)+抗酸化物質(詳細不明)を投与すると、
結果ですが、介入群のほうが除脂肪体重、安静時エネルギー消費量、疲労、QOLとも、よりよかったです。二次アウトカムとして、IL-6, TNF-α, CRP、活性酸素も介入群のみ減少しました。
OBJECTIVES: Gynecological neoplastic disease progression is characterized by specific energy metabolism alterations and by symptoms including fatigue, anorexia, nausea, anemia, and immunodepression, which result in a cachexia syndrome and a marked decrease in patient quality of life (QoL). Therapeutic protocols associated with appropriate and effective psychological and social support systems are essential to counteract the symptoms of neoplastic disease in incurable patients.
METHODS: A phase III randomized study was performed to establish the most effective and safest treatment to improve the key symptoms in advanced gynecological cancer patients, i.e., lean body mass (LBM), resting energy expenditure (REE), fatigue, and QoL. In addition, the impact of the treatment arms on the main metabolic and inflammatory parameters, including C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, leptin, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and glutathione peroxidase, was evaluated. The change in the Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) during treatment was also assessed. A total of 104 advanced-stage gynecological cancer patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive either megestrol acetate (MA) plus l-carnitine, celecoxib, and antioxidants (arm 1) or MA alone (arm 2). The treatment duration was 4months.
RESULTS: The combination arm was more effective than arm 2 with respect to LBM, REE, fatigue, and global QoL. As for the secondary efficacy endpoints, patient appetite increased, and ECOG PS decreased significantly in both arms. The inflammation and oxidative stress parameters IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, and ROS decreased significantly in arm 1, while no significant change was observed in arm 2.
CONCLUSIONS: The combined treatment improved both immunometabolic alterations and patient QoL. Multimodality therapies for cachexia ideally should be introduced within a context of "best supportive care" that includes optimal symptom management and careful psychosocial counseling.
Macciò A, Madeddu C, Gramignano G, Mulas C, Floris C, Sanna E, Cau MC, Panzone F, Mantovani G. A randomized phase III clinical trial of a combined treatment for cachexia in patients with gynecological cancers: Evaluating the impact on metabolic and inflammatory profiles and quality of life. Gynecol Oncol. 2011 Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print]
結果ですが、介入群のほうが除脂肪体重、安静時エネルギー消費量、疲労、QOLとも、よりよかったです。二次アウトカムとして、IL-6, TNF-α, CRP、活性酸素も介入群のみ減少しました。
OBJECTIVES: Gynecological neoplastic disease progression is characterized by specific energy metabolism alterations and by symptoms including fatigue, anorexia, nausea, anemia, and immunodepression, which result in a cachexia syndrome and a marked decrease in patient quality of life (QoL). Therapeutic protocols associated with appropriate and effective psychological and social support systems are essential to counteract the symptoms of neoplastic disease in incurable patients.
METHODS: A phase III randomized study was performed to establish the most effective and safest treatment to improve the key symptoms in advanced gynecological cancer patients, i.e., lean body mass (LBM), resting energy expenditure (REE), fatigue, and QoL. In addition, the impact of the treatment arms on the main metabolic and inflammatory parameters, including C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, leptin, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and glutathione peroxidase, was evaluated. The change in the Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) during treatment was also assessed. A total of 104 advanced-stage gynecological cancer patients were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive either megestrol acetate (MA) plus l-carnitine, celecoxib, and antioxidants (arm 1) or MA alone (arm 2). The treatment duration was 4months.
RESULTS: The combination arm was more effective than arm 2 with respect to LBM, REE, fatigue, and global QoL. As for the secondary efficacy endpoints, patient appetite increased, and ECOG PS decreased significantly in both arms. The inflammation and oxidative stress parameters IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, and ROS decreased significantly in arm 1, while no significant change was observed in arm 2.
CONCLUSIONS: The combined treatment improved both immunometabolic alterations and patient QoL. Multimodality therapies for cachexia ideally should be introduced within a context of "best supportive care" that includes optimal symptom management and careful psychosocial counseling.
検査値では、低アルブミン血症、CRP陽性(0.3以上で要注意)、Rapid Turnover Protein低値、ヘモグロビン低値、クレアチニン低値(0.5以下)、クレアチンキナーゼ高値、窒素バランス負のときに、サルコペニアを疑います。
ここではAMAが男性の場合<32cm²、女性の場合<18cm²とされています。日本人のAMAのデータは、日本人の新身体計測基準値 jard 2001にあります。
検査値では、低アルブミン血症、CRP陽性(0.3以上で要注意)、Rapid Turnover Protein低値、ヘモグロビン低値、クレアチニン低値(0.5以下)、クレアチンキナーゼ高値、窒素バランス負のときに、サルコペニアを疑います。
ここではAMAが男性の場合<32cm²、女性の場合<18cm²とされています。日本人のAMAのデータは、日本人の新身体計測基準値 jard 2001にあります。
投稿 (Atom)