
Modified MASAの論文

今日はModified MASAの論文を紹介します。新潟の日本摂食・嚥下リハ学会に参加した時にMASAのModified版があると初めて聞いたので、早速調べてみました。

Antonios N, et al: Analysis of a physician tool for evaluating dysphagia on an inpatient stroke unit: the modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2010 Jan;19(1):49-57.

MASA(Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability)とは、信頼性、妥当性が検証済の嚥下機能の評価方法です。日本語訳しているところがあった記憶があります。ただし項目数が多く時間がかかることと、ST以外の職種では嚥下に詳しくないと実施できないことが欠点で、臨床でルーチンに使用するには難があると私は感じていました。


12項目は、Alertness, Cooperation, Respiration, Expressive Dysphagia, Auditory Comprehension, Dysarthria, Saliva, Tongue Movement, Tongue Strength, Gag, Cough Reflex, Paketeです。各項目を4~5段階で評価して合計100点満点となるようにされています。



嚥下障害を定量的に評価するツールとしては、現状ではMASAが最も優れていると思います。Modified MASAが他の疾患にも問題なく使用できるようになれば、項目数も少なくなりましたし、臨床現場でより普及する可能性があると考えます。6~7項目程度で誰でも簡単に評価できて定量化できる評価法が理想的ですね。

BACKGROUND: Although many dysphagia screening protocols have been introduced in recent years, no validated, physician-administered dysphagia screening tool exists for acute stroke that can be performed at the bedside. Based on the psychometrically validated Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MASA), we developed the Modified MASA (MMASA) as a physician-administered screening tool for dysphagia in acute stroke.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to complete initial validation of this new screening tool for dysphagia in acute ischemic stroke.

METHODS: Two stroke neurologists independently performed the MMASA on 150 patients with ischemic stroke. Speech-language pathologists performed the standard MASA on all patients. All examiners were blinded to the results of the other assessments. Interjudge reliability was evaluated between the neurologists. Validity between the screening tool (MMASA) and the clinical evaluation (MASA) was assessed with sensitivity/specificity and predictive value assessment.

RESULTS: Interobserver agreement between the neurologists using the MMASA was good (k=0.76; SE=0.082). Based on the comprehensive clinical evaluation (MASA), 36.2% of patients demonstrated dysphagia. Screening results from the neurologists (N1 and N2) identified 38% and 36.7% prevalence of dysphagia, respectively. Sensitivity (N1: 92%, N2: 87%), specificity (N1: 86.3%, N2: 84.2%), positive predictive value (N1: 79.4%, N2: 75.8%), and negative predictive value (N1: 95.3%, N2: 92%) were high between the screen and the comprehensive clinical evaluation.

CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study suggests that the MMASA is a potentially valid and reliable physician-administered screening tool for dysphagia in acute ischemic stroke. Use of this tool may facilitate earlier identification of dysphagia in patients with stroke prompting more rapid comprehensive evaluation and intervention.

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