

今日は、Adult starvation and disease-related malnutrition: A proposal for etiology-based diagnosis in the clinical practice setting from the International Consensus Guideline Committeeという論文を紹介します。Gordon L. Jensen et al: Clinical Nutrition 29(2),151-153,2010です。


①飢餓に関連した低栄養状態:When there is chronic starvation without inflammation, we propose the adoption of the term “starvation-related malnutrition”. Examples of this syndrome include medical conditions like anorexia nervosa.


②慢性疾患に関連した低栄養状態:When inflammation is chronic and of mild to moderate degree, we propose the term “chronic disease-related malnutrition”. Examples of this syndrome include organ failure, pancreatic cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or sarcopenic obesity.

これは従来の悪液質に近い概念だと思います。ただ、sarcopenic obesityが入っているのが微妙です。臓器不全(心臓、肺、腎臓、肝臓の慢性臓器不全)、膵癌、関節リウマチは悪液質の原因疾患になります。一方、sarcopenic obesityは悪液質の結果、筋萎縮は認めたが脂肪は減少しなかった場合に生じるものです。②の場合、栄養サポートで一部は栄養悪化防止ができますが、原疾患の治療が重要です。

③急性疾患に関連した低栄養状態:When inflammation is acute and of severe degree, we propose the term “acute disease or injury-related malnutrition”. Examples of this syndrome include major infection, burns, trauma or closed head injury.





Background & aims
Multiple definitions for malnutrition syndromes are found in the literature resulting in confusion. Recent evidence suggests that varying degrees of acute or chronic inflammation are key contributing factors in the pathophysiology of malnutrition that is associated with disease or injury.
An International Guideline Committee was constituted to develop a consensus approach to defining malnutrition syndromes for adults in the clinical setting. Consensus was achieved through a series of meetings held at the ASPEN and ESPEN Congresses.
It was agreed that an etiology-based approach that incorporates a current understanding of inflammatory response would be most appropriate. The Committee proposes the following nomenclature for nutrition diagnosis in adults in the clinical practice setting. “Starvation-related malnutrition”, when there is chronic starvation without inflammation, “chronic disease-related malnutrition”, when inflammation is chronic and of mild to moderate degree, and “acute disease or injury-related malnutrition”, when inflammation is acute and of severe degree.
This commentary is intended to present a simple etiology-based construct for the diagnosis of adult malnutrition in the clinical setting. Development of associated laboratory, functional, food intake, and body weight criteria and their application to routine clinical practice will require validation.

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