
Society on Cachexia and Wasting Disorders

サルコペニアや悪液質に関心のある人なら以前から知っていたかもしれませんが、私は今日はじめてSociety on Cachexia and Wasting Disordersの存在を知りました。今までESPENの資料ばかりフォローしていましたが、この学会の資料も要フォローです。


2年に1回悪液質の学会(Cachexia Conference)が行われていて、次回第6回は来年12月上旬に神戸で開催されるそうです。これには私も参加したいと思っています。




1. “Hippocrates” clinical research in cachexia lecture:
Cancer cachexia: a multidimensional problem
Ken Fearon, Edinburgh, UK
2. Cachexia: the need for epidemiological data
Claude Pichard, Geneve, Switzerland
3. How does cachexia cause death?
Mitja Lainscak, Golnik, Slovenia
4. Cachexia consensus: several definitions with common facts
Maurizio Muscaritoli, Rome, Italy
5. Update on the outcomes of the 2008 Consensus
Meeting on Endpoints for Cachexia Trials
William Evans, Little Rock, USA

50. Testosterone, frailty and clinical trials
John Morley, St. Louis, USA
51. Cachexia treatment developments: successes and failures
Alessandro Laviano, Rome, Italy
52. Beta-2 agonists
Silvia Busquets, Barcelona, Spain
53. Alternative medicine in cachexia
Joan Vidal-Jové, Barcelona, Spain
54. Exercise, anticatabolic strategies and the treatment of cachexia
Giovanni Mantovani, Cagliari, Italy

78. New insights on EPA & fish oil
Josep Argilés, Barcelona, Spain
79. New insights on nutrition in heart failure
Stefan Anker, Berlin, Germany
80. New insights on nutrition and COPD
Annemie Schols, Maastricht, Netherlands
81. Brand new research data on branched-chain amino acids and HMB
Filippo Rossi-Fanelli, Rome, Italy

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