


Chang-O Kim, Kyung-Ryun Lee: Preventive Effect of Protein-Energy Supplementation on the Functional Decline of Frail Older Adults With Low Socioeconomic Status: A Community-Based Randomized Controlled Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2012) doi: 10.1093/gerona/gls167 First published online: August 9, 2012



結果ですが、Physical Functioningは介入群で改善傾向でした(p=0.052)。Short Physical Performance Batteryは介入群で有意に機能低下を予防しました(p=0.039)。握力と片脚立位には有意差を認めませんでした。


Background. Chronic undernutrition is a common condition in older people with low socioeconomic status and is clearly an important component of frailty. However, it is uncertain whether protein-energy supplementation can prevent functional decline in this group.
Methods. Eighty-seven frail older adults (usual gait speed, <0 .6=".6" 12="12" 200-ml="200-ml" 25g="25g" 400="400" 400ml="400ml" 9.4g="9.4g" acids="acids" additional="additional" also="also" amino="amino" an="an" and="and" as="as" assessment="assessment" assigned="assigned" battery.="battery." cans="cans" change="change" commercial="commercial" controlled="controlled" controls="controls" day="day" did="did" either="either" energy="energy" enrolled="enrolled" essential="essential" for="for" formula="formula" functioning="functioning" gait="gait" grip="grip" group="group" hand="hand" in="in" intervention="intervention" kcal="kcal" liquid="liquid" m="m" measured="measured" mini="mini" not="not" nutritional="nutritional" of="of" one-legged="one-legged" or="or" outcome="outcome" outcomes="outcomes" p="p" participants="participants" per="per" performance="performance" physical="physical" primary="primary" protein="protein" provided="provided" randomized="randomized" randomly="randomly" receive="receive" second="second" secondary="secondary" short="short" speed="speed" stance="stance" strength="strength" supplement.="supplement." test="test" the="the" this="this" timed="timed" to="to" trial.="trial." two="two" up-and-go="up-and-go" usual="usual" variables.="variables." was="was" water="water" weeks="weeks" were="were" which="which">                   
Results. Physical Functioning increased by 5.9% (1 point) in the intervention group, although no change was observed in the control group (p =.052). Short Physical Performance Battery remained stable in the intervention group, although it decreased by 12.5% (1 point) in controls (p = .039). Usual gait speed decreased by 1.0% in the intervention group versus 11.3% (0.04 m/second) in controls (p = .039). Timed up-and-go improved by 7.2% (1.1 seconds) in the intervention group and worsened by 3.4% (0.9 seconds) in controls (p = .038). There were no differences between groups in hand grip strength or one-legged stance performance.
Conclusions. The results indicate that protein-energy supplementation administered to frail older adults with low socioeconomic status shows evidence of reducing the progression of functional decline.                    

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