

ICUAW(intensive care unit-acquired weakness、ICU無力症)の診断基準に関する論文を紹介します。

Stevens RD, Marshall SA, Cornblath DR, Hoke A, Needham DM, de Jonghe B, Ali NA, Sharshar T. A framework for diagnosing and classifying intensive care unit-acquired weakness. Crit Care Med. 2009 Oct;37(10 Suppl):S299-308.

ICUAWはcritical illness polyneuropathy(CIP)やcritical illness myopathy(CIM)と異なり、電気生理学的検査なしで診断可能となっています。


1. Weakness developing after the onset of critical illness
2. The weakness being generalized (involving both proximal and distal muscles), symmetrical, flaccid, and generally sparing the cranial nerves (e.g. facial grimace is intact)
3. Muscle power assessed by the Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score of < 48 (or a mean score of < 4 in all testable muscle groups) noted on > 2 occasions separated by > 24 h
4. Dependence on mechanical ventilation
5. Causes of weakness not related to the underlying critical illness have been excluded.


Neuromuscular dysfunction is prevalent in critically ill patients, is associated with worse short-term outcomes, and is a determinant of long-term disability in intensive care unit survivors. Diagnosis is made with the help of clinical, electrophysiological, and morphological observations; however, the lack of a consistent nomenclature remains a barrier to research. We propose a simple framework for diagnosing and classifying neuromuscular disorders acquired in critical illness.

1 件のコメント:

  1. 補足で英語ですが、ICUAW​の中に含まれているcritical illness polyneuropathy(CIP)、critic​al illness myopathy(CIM)、両者の合併であるcrit​ical illness neuromyopathy(CINM)の診断基準も書いておきます。

    critical illness polyneuropathyの診断基準は、以下の5つすべてに該当する場合です。
    (i) Patient meets the criteria for ICUAW
    (ii) CMAP amplitudes are decreased to < 80% of the lower limit of normal in > 2 nerves
    (iii) SNAP amplitudes are decreased to < 80% of the lower limit of normal in > 2 nerves
    (iv) Normal or near normal nerve conduction velocities
    (v) The absence of a decremental response on repetitive nerve stimulation

    次にcritical illness myopathyの診断基準です。probabl​e CIMは(1, 2, 3 or 4; or 1 and 5)でmdefinite CIMは (1, 2, 3 or 4, 5)です。5は筋生検ですので、臨床的にはなかなか厳し​いですね。
    1. Patient meets the criteria for ICUAW
    2. SNAP amplitudes on nerve conduction studies are > 80% of thelower limit of normal in > 2 nerves
    3. EMG in > 2 muscle groups demonstrating short-duration, lowamplitude MUPs with early or normal full recruitment with or without fibrillation potentials
    4. Direct muscle stimulation demonstrating reduced excitability
    (nerve:muscle ratio > 0.5 in > 2 muscle groups)
    5. Muscle histology consistent with myopathy.

    最後にcritical illness neuromyopathy (CINM)の診断基準です。これはICUAW、CIP​、CIM(probableもしくはdefinite)​すべての診断基準を満たす場合です。
